Recipes to get rid of dark spots

Many girls and women are looking for recipes to get rid of dark spots to make the skin of their face white without impurities.


For this, madam, we will offer you simple mixtures that will make your skin amazing and wonderful at the lowest costs and with ingredients found in every home.


Recipes to get rid of dark spots


1) Coffee and olive oil


Mix two tablespoons of coffee and one tablespoon of olive oil, then apply it on your face and leave it for 10 minutes.


After that, gently rub your skin and wash it with lukewarm water, then apply your moisturizer and enjoy a glowing complexion.





Repeat the process once a week)


2 starch and milk


Bring two tablespoons of starch, dear, and then pour two and a half tablespoons of milk on it.


Apply it on your face and leave it until it dries completely, then gently rub the skin and rinse with lukewarm water.


Repeat this recipe twice a week and you will get a whiter skin


3 egg yolks and turmeric


Madam, bring a bowl, then put an egg yolk and a very small spoon of turmeric.


Mix the ingredients well until they are homogeneous, then apply it to the skin of your face until the mixture dries, then rub gently and rinse with lukewarm water.


Repeat the process once a week.


4 natural yogurt and honey


Mix two teaspoons of plain yogurt with one teaspoon of honey.


Put the ingredients together to make a soft paste, then apply the mixture on the face and leave it for up to 15 minutes, then wash the face with lukewarm water.


Repeat the recipe regularly and you will get a skin free of dark spots.


5 rice

Soak the rice for a whole night, madam. In the morning, put the rice water in a clean sprinkler that is suitable for spraying the face, morning and evening.


After 20 minutes, wipe your skin with a cotton pad filled with rose water and enjoy a bright white, free of impurities.


Repeat the process daily.




Moderate sun exposure is good for us, but overexposure can cause damage to the skin both on the surface and on the inside.

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