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Put it on your hands and you will not believe the whiteness and softness - Care Beauty

Put it on your hands and you will not believe the whiteness and softness

In the winter, women suffer from dry hands due to exposure to cold air and also to cold water while washing dishes, and the frequent use of sterilizers has increased the problems and risks of cracking and darkening of the hands, so follow with us on this topic the most important recipes to get rid of this dilemma.


First, to get the best results, Madam, you have to exfoliate, as it will help you remove dead, dry and damaged skin, by mixing olive oil and one to two tablespoons of granulated sugar and exfoliating the dry skin well, then we pass after that to one of the following effective recipes:


Oat mask

The oatmeal mask helps soften and whiten the skin and is one of the most important recipes for getting rid of dry hands and their darkening in the winter season.


the components:





Half a cup of coarse sea salt.

Half a cup of oatmeal.

Half a cup of coconut oil.

Four tablespoons of aloe vera gel.


Method of preparation and use:


Mix all ingredients together very well.

Put the oatmeal mask on the hands for 5 minutes.




Wash your hands with lukewarm water.

Then put some Vaseline on it.

You will be amazed at the result.


Vaseline and sweet almond oil

Everyone knows that Vaseline has a great role in fighting dryness and cracks, and that sweet almond oil is distinguished by its power in softening the skin and fighting aging that affects the skin early.


the components:


Half a teaspoon of Vaseline.

A teaspoon of sweet almond oil.


Method of preparation and use:


Mix the ingredients well in a plastic bowl, then put the mixture on the hands for a quarter of an hour.

Then wash your hands with soap and warm water.

You will notice that your hands have become soft and free from cracks and darkening.

And to get the best results, put a plastic cover on your hands, and you will notice that the results are very impressive.


The causes of dryness and darkening of the hands


Dry hands is a common problem in the winter season, as the skin loses its moisture due to the air that lacks moisture in this season.

Exposure to some sources of heat, such as cooking and warmth, may reduce skin moisture and cause dry hands.

Work conditions may require some to wash hands frequently or use chemicals with a strong formula on the skin, and this increases the possibility of dry hands.

Excessive bathing and excessive rubbing of the skin.

Exposing hands to hot water for a long time.

Frequent exposure to cold water.

– Using types of soap and strong skin cleansers that lose the skin’s natural oils and cause dry hands.