Learn about the causes of hot feet?

Many women feel hot and hot in the feet on some days, accompanied by symptoms such as numbness. Learn about the causes of hot feet?


Learn about the causes of hot feet?


Lack of nutrients in the body:


Nerves in the body require certain nutrients to function properly.


If the body cannot absorb nutrients, the risk of nerve damage and hot feet increases.


Deficiencies in folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 can contribute to neuropathy.







One of the most common causes of hot feet is diabetic neuropathy. This condition is caused by nerve damage.


Symptoms include pain, tingling, and numbness in the arms, hands, legs, and feet




Pregnant women especially suffer from hot feet due to hormonal changes that increase body temperature.


The advanced months of pregnancy play a greater role in hot feet due to the normal weight gain and the increase in total body fluids.


These symptoms fade away once you give birth, restore your body’s natural hormone status, and lose weight.


Symptoms of menopause:


Menopause can also cause hormonal changes that lead to a rise in body temperature and hot feet.


Most women suffer from menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, and the problem can be treated by taking drugs that balance hormones in the body, after consulting a doctor.


Chronic renal failure:


Chronic kidney disease results from damage to the kidneys and occurs when the kidneys’ ability to remove toxins from the body through urine declines.


Toxin buildup can cause neuropathy, which in turn leads to hot extremities and hot hands and feet.




Low thyroid hormone levels can lead to tingling or numbness, pain, and warmth in the feet.


These symptoms occur because low levels of thyroid hormones in the body lead to nerve damage.

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