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8 vitamins and minerals that "fortify" your immune system - Care Beauty

8 vitamins and minerals that “fortify” your immune system

The immune system plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body and protecting it from toxins and infections, which makes strengthening the strength of this system necessary, especially in the winter with the spread of diseases.


In our endeavor to strengthen our immune system, it is necessary to eat a group of foods, and adopt a balanced diet, so that the body is ready to receive the blows of viruses, toxins and bacteria when they attack it.


Nutrition experts advise that the immune system be strengthened through nutrition instead of resorting to medications and drugs, as the following list of vitamins and minerals can enhance the immunity of the immune system:


Vitamin C”


Vitamin “C” contributes to preventing infection or shortening the duration of the disease, and also enhances the body’s resistance, according to the “Cleveland Clinic” medical website.


Citrus fruits are a major source of vitamin C, knowing that there are other sources of it such as spinach, cabbage, bell peppers, strawberries and papaya.


Vitamin E


Vitamin “E” is a powerful antioxidant, which makes it useful in supporting the body to resist diseases and infections, knowing that it is abundant in vegetable foods rich in fats such as almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, soy and hazelnuts.


vitamin A


Vitamin A is an important nutrient for growth, cell division, reproduction and strengthening immunity. It also has antioxidant properties. Its main sources are tuna, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, walnuts, cantaloupe and dark leafy vegetables.