Potato juice for hair growth 5 recipes that grow hair fast

Hair growth

Potato juice for hair growth Have you heard of it before? Sometimes hair lengthening is a difficult task and you may use many beauty products without achieving the dream of effectively lengthening hairToday, we offer you recipes for potato juice to grow hair, as potatoes are one of the most popular foods that many people around the world eat. In addition to its wonderful and distinctive taste, potatoes have many other uses such as cleaning glass and polishing tableware. In addition to its uses at home, potatoes offer many cosmetic benefits as well, as many cosmetic experts indicate that potato juice is very useful for hair and helps in hair extension.

Potato juice benefits for hair growth

Potato juice for hair very useful thanks to its multiple properties, which include the following:

Potatoes contain vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc, niacin and iron, and these nutrients help nourish hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Potato juice helps clean the scalp by absorbing excess sebum and sweat.

Potato juice acts as an antioxidant, keeping the scalp free of infections that cause scalp irritation and dandruff.

The use of potato juice adds shine to your hair.

It can be used as a hair conditioner when mixed with some ingredients such as eggs and honey.

How to make potato juice for hair growth

Wash the potatoes well and then peel them.

Cut the potato into small pieces and mash it well to get a smooth paste.

If the dough is thick, dilute it with a little water.

Use a cotton cloth to squeeze and collect the potato juice in a bowl.

Prepare this juice before each use.

Potato juice recipes for hair growth

1- Apply potato juice directly on your scalp to grow hair

Potato juice helps nourish hair follicles, cleanse the scalp and add shine to the hair. Research indicates that massaging the scalp stimulates blood circulation and helps get rid of impurities stuck in hair follicles.

Massage your hair using 1/2 cup of potato juice for 5-10 minutes.

After covering your hair and scalp completely, leave it for another 15 minutes on your hair.

Rinse your hair with cold or lukewarm water.

2- Egg mask with honey and potato juice to prolong hair

If your hair is dry, this mixture may help because eggs and honey moisturize the hair, and honey acts as an anti-fungal, which helps reduce and prevent the appearance of dandruff.
You will need

3 medium sized potatoes  .

1 egg yolk.

1 tablespoon of honey.

How to prepare

Extract the juice from the potatoes and put it in a bowl.

Add the egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey to the juice and mix them all together.

Apply the mixture to your head and hair and leave it for 30 minutes.

Wash your hair afterwards with cold water.

Potato juice for hair growth

3- Potato juice with onion juice for hair growth

Onion juice is one of the best nutrients for hair, as it greatly helps in nourishing and growing hair follicles. So when you mix onion juice with potato juice, it enhances the chances of hair growth.
You will need

1 large size potato.

1 medium sized onion.

How to prepare

Cut the potatoes and onions after peeling them into small pieces and mix them together well until you get a smooth paste.

If the dough is thick, you can thin it out with a little water.

Use a cotton cloth to squeeze and collect the onion and potato juice in a bowl.

Massage your head and hair well with the mixture for 5-10 minutes.

After making sure you cover the entire scalp and hair, leave it on for an additional 15 minutes.

Rinse it afterwards with cold water.

4- Hair extension with potato juice with aloe vera for hair

Aloe vera acts as an anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, so it helps to get rid of skin infections and dandruff and eliminates itching. And when added to potato juice, it helps protect the hair from the sun’s rays and prolongs the hair.

Mix potato juice with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel until you get a smooth mixture.

Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair and massage them well.

Leave it on your hair for 30 minutes and then wash the hair with cold or lukewarm water.

5- Potato juice with coconut oil

Increasing hair length guaranteed with this recipe, which is coconut oil, an effective treatment for hair loss. The fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals present in coconut oil play a role in nourishing the scalp and promoting hair growth.

Mix the potato juice with coconut oil well.

Apply the mixture to your scalp and massage it gently.

Leave it on your hair for 30 minutes and then rinse your hair well.

Potatoes are one of the wonderful vegetables that people around the world eat in different ways. The use of potato juice helps to lengthen hair effectively with regular use.
But remember that the first and most important step towards improving the health of your hair is to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. Eat nutritious foods, stay well hydrated, and use the appropriate shampoo and conditioner for your hair and scalp type

Hair growth

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