People’s customs to celebrate the New Year


The peoples of the world celebrate New Year at the end of the year, in different ways from each other, according to their usual customs and traditions, each of the countries is different in their preparations and preparations for such celebrations that all people from all over the world are eagerly waiting for.:

New Year celebrations in England

English people believe in bringing good luck, by receiving the first guest in the new year, where it should be male, and entering through the front door, they should also carry some traditional gifts, such as a loaf of bread, a drink, or charcoal to light a fire, which is believed to bring luck all year round.


Rituals of Denmark

The Danes put piles of crushed dishes in front of the doors of their homes, where they collect old ones all year round, and then throw them in front of the doors of neighbors on New Year’s Eve, a symbol of friendship and brotherhood, and the larger the piles, the more friends it indicates.


Chinese ritual

All Chinese celebrate New Year, by painting their front doors in red, a symbol of happiness, good luck.


Rituals of Brazil

Offers Brazilian dishes from a number of soup rice; celebrate the New Years Eve, believing that legumes bring wealth and prosperity, in addition to payment of their base carcass filled with jewelry, candles, flowers, Beach, Rio de Janeiro, to the ocean, in order to bring health, love and happiness.


In Germany

In their New Year celebrations, Germans rely on lead, which is poured over cold water, to take a certain shape, and the first form it takes is believed to be the shape expected for the future, for example The Shape of the heart signifies marriage, while the round shapes indicate the presence of good luck, and The Shape of the anchor,


In Mexico

(Only 12 grapes) this is the basic tradition of the people of Mexico who eat 12 grapes in the celebration of New Year’s Eve, distributing these grains over the last twelve hours of the day, a grain every hour, and Mexicans through this tradition symbolize the month of the coming year, that is, how it will be, depending on the taste of the

In Italy

There is a habit that Italians cannot miss on New Year’s day, namely the presence of dishes of lentils on the table that, according to their beliefs, bring sustenance.

Another tradition for Italians-which has been abolished-was to throw worn furniture out of windows at the feast, and if you want to spend New Year in Italy, be careful not to pass under the windows that you may be victims of those who still adhere to this tradition.


If the lentil dish is essential for the Italians, then chocolate pancakes are essential for the Spaniards.

In the Spanish city of Catalonia, a tradition is held during the celebration of New Year, which is to display a statue or painting of a defecating child called e caganer, an expression that symbolizes the fertilizer that enriches the soil.

Puerto Rico:

The people of the town of Puerto Rico in Spain believe that it is necessary to throw water to passers-by on New Year’s Eve, in order to get rid of everything bad in preparation for the good in the new year, not only this, but also sprinkle the house and yard with sugar to bring luck.


In Venezuela, Venezuelans wear yellow underwear, they think it brings luck, not only that, but they pack their travel luggage and cruise around the house on the 31st of December, may it bring luck to be a busy New Year of travel.

In addition, they write their wishes on a sheet of paper and then they are burned minutes before midnight.


It is normal for a city celebrating New Year’s Eve to make noise, but the French create more of it; some believe the noise exorcises evil spirits.

The French also believe that the first visitor (male) to enter the house on the first day of the new year, is the one who symbolizes the image in which the new year will be, for the owners of the House.


(10 times), is the number of jumps that children have to jump on New Year’s Eve in order to gain more height, in addition to the need for the table to be filled with various kinds of fruit and embroideries to bring prosperity


Decorating homes in Japan with flowers on New Year’s eve very necessary to expel evil spirits, as well as the importance of laughing out loud, on a bad luck expelled from the House.

The Netherlands:

To drive out possible diseases in the new year, the Dutch burn juniper on the night of the feast after wandering around the house carrying this plant.

The United States:

For Americans in New York City, Times Square is the place to say goodbye to the late year and welcome the new year with cheer and fun. Every new year’s Eve, Americans flock to Times Square to watch a ball made of crystal and bright lights descend from a towering pole. This ball lands after a minute to settle at the bottom of the column, while those who are present count the seconds and shout cheers at midnight, the beginning of the new year.


Some citizens of the Anatolian regions think that the first to bring water, on the morning of the first day of the New Year, becomes rich, as some put ground flour, on the doors of houses, four or five days before the new year, and throw pomegranates from the balconies of houses on the street after midnight to celebrate the new year.


Each person writes down the bad events of the year on a sheet of paper, rips them and burns them in a crock pot full of old newspaper papers and wood, and then families come out with it thinking that they scare away the bad luck that the new year may carry.


They prefer to celebrate in cemeteries, visit their relatives and grandparents by candlelight, give gifts made of straw in the form of a goat.

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