The top 10 healthy foods to not give up in 2020

  Welcome 2020 to health and fitness by avoiding processed foods and foods that are too fatty, or high in sugar for example. Also focus on eating healthy foods that contain nutrients and mineral elements, vitamins, good fats, and antioxidants that our bodies need in order to fight cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, and the aging of …


A recent study: red pepper strengthens the body’s immunity and prolongs life

  A new study reports that a person regularly consumes chili peppers; It can greatly improve his health helping to extend people’s lives. According to research that will be presented this week at the American Heart Association’s Science Sessions 2020, pepper eaters have a “significantly lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease or cancer.” Previous …


An American study: Aspirin reduces the death rate for people with Corona

  Results of a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland College of Medicine show that hospitalized coronavirus patients who took daily aspirin for cardiovascular health had a lower risk of death than those who did not take aspirin. According to Fox News, patients who took aspirin were also less likely to …


For the first time in history, scientists have managed to regenerate human cells

  A group of scientists from Stanford University in America managed, for the first time in history, to regenerate human cells. According to Nature, scientists were able to do so with the help of the mechanism used to create stem cells with special RNA, by forcing the cell to produce Yamanaka factors – special proteins …


How to Quickly rehydrate Dry, britlle hair

  This beauty article talks about how using the right kind  of shampoo and conditioner can help revive dry , brittle hair. It suggests switching your current shampoo and conditioner for something a little more moisturizing. How to quickly rehydrate dry brittle hair  Are you sick and tired of your dry,brittle hair? Are you looking …


Evidence for survival from the deadly Corona infection

  With the spread of Coronavirus infections, the American doctor and well-known journalist, Dr. Oz, mentioned tips and guidelines to ensure protection and avoid infection with the deadly virus, according to what was published by the American “Fox News” news network. In his interview with the “Fox & Friends” program, Dr. Oz offered a number …


6 ways to increase fat burning and make you have a perfect body

  The “healthline” site stated, that there are many ways to get rid of obesity and weight gain, which has become a problem for men and women, as a result of following an unhealthy diet that contains sugars and fatty foods, with lack of movement, and other reasons. The site presented 6 main methods that …