Masks kiwi for skin care


Kiwi is a refreshing fruit that has many wonderful benefits for the body, and it also has many benefits for the skin in particular, because it is a fruit rich in water and a lot of other ingredients.

Benefits of kiwi mask

Rich in vitamin C.

Kiwi fruits are rich in many vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, and it is also a great source of antioxidant, which is a protective factor for the skin and cells from exposure to any oxidation.

Boosts collagen

Collagen is one of the most important compounds that help the skin maintain its elasticity, and it also keeps the skin soft and supple and prevents it from drying out, and the vitamin C present in kiwi greatly enhances the collagen in the skin.

Fights acne and many infections

Kiwi has many anti-inflammatory properties, and it also has a great role in reducing the appearance of acne, rashes and other skin problems.

The most important kiwi holders

Kiwi and yogurt

All you will need is a kiwi fruit, with a tablespoon of yogurt, mix them well and put them on the skin from about a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes, then rinse the face with cold water, it is a wonderful mask that works to renew skin cells.

Kiwi with banana

All you need is a kiwi fruit, with three bananas and a tablespoon of flour, you have to soak the bananas a full day in water and then the next day crush the bananas and put the kiwi fruit and flour on it, and mix it well and spread it on the face for a period of a quarter of an hour To 20 minutes, then the face is washed with warm water, this mask helps refresh the face and cleans it, as it removes dirt, moisturizes the face and gives it a wonderful appearance, and you will notice the difference immediately after washing the face.

Kiwi with lemon

You will need a kiwi fruit and a teaspoon of lemon, you have to mash the kiwi pulp well, then mix it with a spoonful of lemon juice and put it evenly on the face and neck, then leave it to dry for 20 minutes, and wash it after that, as this mask works to close the pores, and it also helps in whitening Skin, as it is suitable for a mask especially for oily skin.

Kiwi With Banana And Yogurt

You will need a kiwi fruit, with a spoonful of yogurt, and a tablespoon of mashed banana, and the kiwi is mashed well and then we add the yogurt to it with mashed bananas, mix them well and then put the mask on the face and neck for 20 to 30 minutes, then wash them with cold water, The banana in the mask acts as a moisturizer, and the yogurt helps moisturize the skin and remove toxins from it.

Kiwi with avocado

You will need a kiwi fruit, with a spoonful of mashed avocado, and a teaspoon of honey, kiwi and avocado are mashed and then honey is put on it, mixed well and then placed on the face and neck, and the mask is left for 20 minutes and then washed after that, and this mask provides the face with vitamin A, E, C, and it helps the skin with its freshness and radiant appearance.

Kiwi with egg yolk

A spoonful of mashed kiwi, a tablespoon of olive oil, and one egg yolk, and mix all the ingredients together, then put the mixture on the face for a quarter of an hour, and the face is washed with warm water, that mask helps in tightening the face and removing dead skin, as it improves The complexion makes it glowing.

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