Marriage maintains a healthy blood pressure

American researchers said that marital life contributes to maintaining healthy blood pressure, especially in men.

Marriage maintains a healthy blood pressure

Blood pressure begins at the lowest level in the morning, then rises gradually during the day, to return and decrease in the evening, in what is known as the evening blood pressure drop, which is important to ensure the body’s ability to control blood pressure.

According to the study, conducted by researchers from Harvard University and published in the journal “Blood Pressure”, that married people experience the evening decline more than single people.

A deficiency in the evening low is commonly associated with cardiovascular disease, said researcher Finian McCausland.

The study followed the blood pressure of 325 adults over two years. The participants were required to follow a specific diet, and the scientists took into account economic and social conditions, age and body mass index.

The researchers said that “marriage may simply be an indicator of those who enjoy better health in general,” and indicated that having a partner may help manage the level of stress and control blood pressure.

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