Make makeup removal wipes at home

Most of us do not carry a pack of facial tissues with him constantly in his bag when going out. There is no doubt that it is a useful way in our lifestyle that goes in quick stepso. Also, these tissues are very expensive when you want to remove face makeup and are unhealthy. You need to prepare make-up removal wipes yourself at home. Because it is very logical to carry makeup removal wipes with you constantly because it is a good way to maintain and take care of the health of your skin. You are in order to get rid of the effect of spending a long day before going to bed. You need to use makeup removal wipes that cause more damage to your skin than achieve benefits, especially when used near the eye area, as it is a sensitive area where the skin becomes thinner and more prone to the appearance of fine lines and irritation. Instead of using commercial wipes, you can choose natural wipes that contain light oils on the skin.And also an alternative provided for you. Instead of getting expensive commercial wipes, you can save money when you prepare makeup removal wipes yourself at home.

Make-up removal wipes

Ingredients :

  • Microwave bowl.
  • Distilled water.
  • Coconut Oil .
  • Plastic container with lid.
  • Roll paper towels.
  • Multi-use knife.


In a microwave-safe bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of pure water, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, and 2 tablespoons of baby wash. And do not forget to warm the mixture in the microwave for a few seconds while stirring.

Measure the tissue paper to fit the container and often need a sharp knife to fit the tissue cutting.

Put the roll in a bowl and pour the make-up removal mixture into it until the tissues are soaked for 5 minutes, then stop the soaking and remove the cardboard in the tissues.

Cut a small X-shaped hole and now the makeup removal wipes are ready to be used with ease.

Second description:

  • Suitable mixing bowl.
  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
  • 3 teaspoons of witch hazel powder.
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • 8-12 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil or 8 drops of rosemary oil.


Combine the ingredients together Put the cotton pieces in a jar and shake well until they are mixed. Once the ingredients are mixed, you can put the cotton pieces to immerse them in the mixture and use them to remove makeup in a quick way.

Natural ways to remove makeup:

Make-up removal wipes may seem easy and convenient, but in reality, they can irritate your eyes and damage the skin over time. Because of the presence of active ingredients in makeup removal wipes, the skin is exposed to many problems. Thus, wipes become annoying to many, especially those with sensitive skin and dry skin. Here are a few natural ways to remove makeup on your own at home and rejuvenate your skin without using chemicals:

1. Natural cleansing oil:

Of course, any type of disinfectant leads to the disposal of natural oils. This causes the skin to become very dry and you have to use a topical moisturizer. Or it causes the skin to start producing more oil, making it extra oily. There are plenty of oil-free products out there but this can damage your skin and lead to premature aging. Therefore, it is preferable to use natural oil in order to maintain the youth of your skin and its glowing and vibrant appearance. You can use any of the natural oils, such as olive oil, coconut oil, to enable you to clean the skin without over drying. It is also very effective in removing all forms of make-up, whether lipstick or mascara.

2. Milk:

Of course, milk is a wonderful ingredient for the skin and milk baths are one of the most popular ancient ways for women to take care of the beauty of the skin. There are fats and proteins in milk, especially whole milk, that help moisturize the skin and allow your skin to retain moisture. While drinking milk may exacerbate certain skin problems such as acne, eczema, and topical use helps soothe. You can add a tablespoon of almond oil to a bowl of milk and rub the face with a cotton swab dipped in this mixture. Thus, you leave your face fresh and free of make-up.

3. Honey and Baking Soda:

A mixture of honey and baking soda is a natural makeup remover that works great with any type of makeup applied to the face. Put an amount of honey on a clean cloth and sprinkle an amount of baking soda and use the mixture to remove makeup.

4. Vaseline:

Use Vaseline to help you remove make-up, especially eye make-up. You may need to be careful while using this recipe because Vaseline is very thick and can clog the pores of the skin. So when you use Vaseline to remove makeup, make sure to use a face cleanser.

5. Tomato:

If you have tomatoes at home, you can cut the tomatoes in half and apply them on the face, but you can only use them to remove foundation. One of the best home remedies for removing makeup.

6. Cucumber:

There are many beauty products that use cucumber to help you remove makeup. So instead of going to the store, you can look at the refrigerator. Cucumbers have anti-inflammatory properties, thus helping you calm irritated or acne-prone skin. You can turn a cucumber into a paste and use it as a face cleanser. And if you have makeup that is difficult to remove, you can add a little milk or olive oil to the milk

7. Mixture of oils:

Make a mixture of oils together by mixing equal amounts of canola oil, castor oil, and olive oil together to get a natural makeup remover and use it to remove face makeup effectively. It is a quick solution that you can include in your daily routine.

8. Almond Milk:

Almond milk is a wonderful remover for the entire face makeup by applying almond milk on a piece of cotton and passing it on the entire face. It may take you several attempts to be able to completely remove the face makeup.

9. Almond juice and rice milk:

Add an amount of rice milk and an amount of lemon juice and stir to mix them. Apply this mixture on the face using a piece of cotton to effectively remove facial makeup, but the eye area should be avoided. Lemon juice is said to reduce freckles.

10. Yogurt:

Yogurt is one of the basic foods that has a great effect on your skin and results in a lot of benefits. You can use yogurt to increase skin hydration and is ideal for relieving sunburn. You can take a piece of cotton and dip it in yogurt, then distribute the cotton all over the face in a circular motion and rinse with cold water.

11. Grape seed oil:

One of the light removers to remove make-up easily is to use grape seed oil by using a cotton swab in order to absorb grape seed oil easily and clean the face properly. You can use grape seed oil to remove makeup on the entire face to prevent acne and get rid of acne.

12. Jojoba Oil:

When diluting jojoba oil in water, mix 2 tablespoons of water with 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil to mix them together and use the mixture to remove makeup.

13. Witch Hazel:

One of the effective ingredients in removing make-up is the use of witch hazel and it works to improve the skin, lock moisture levels and clean acne compared to other oils. All you need is 2 tablespoons of witch hazel oil and 2 tablespoons of carrier oil such as jojoba oil, olive oil or almond oil with 2 tablespoons of pure water and to combine these ingredients in a bottle before use. To remove makeup effectively, you can use a cotton swab and soak it in the solution to remove makeup.

14. Avocado:

You will notice that many makeup removal products contain avocado oil in them. If you do not have avocado oil, you can use avocado directly and remove makeup. Or use a piece of cotton to soak it in avocado oil to remove makeup.

15. Olive oil:

Olive oil is one of the best oils for removing makeup, especially eye makeup, foundation and lipstick. Make sure not to use coconut oil, as it is a good household oil to use.

16. Baby shampoo:

You can use baby shampoo to remove eyelid makeup. It is a good and safe option for you. By adding a few drops of baby shampoo with 1 cup of water, mix well in a cosmetic bottle, and shake the bottle before use. Using a coop, you can start the application.

17. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is rich in natural antiseptic elements, it is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and has great benefits for the skin. By taking two tablespoons of coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of baby shampoo and 2 cups of water, put the ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl and mix the ingredients together to wipe the makeup with 

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