How to prepare a mask of black honey and cucumber to lighten and moisturize the skin


The  method of  preparing a  mask of black honey and cucumber to lighten and moisturize the  skin  ensures  that you have a uniform complexion,  free from pigmentation and  skin  problems  such as freckles and dryness. This  mask  contains  wonderful  nutrients that  help moisturize and whiten the  skin in a  safe and  effective way, so  learn how to  apply it with us.

Benefits of black honey and cucumber  mask to lighten and moisturize the  skin

Benefits of black honey and cucumber  mask

Since honey  contains exfoliants, it  helps to  get rid of layers of  dead cells to  allow the  growth  of new cells, which rids you of  dark and  dead layers of  skin.

Honey  is also  one of the  substances that  remove  dark pigmentation and freckles from the  skin,  so you  will get a uniform and tight  skin.

Honey  also  gives you  fresh  skin  because it  contains  a variety of antioxidants,  including glucose oxidase, ascorbic acid, a  form of  vitamin C, phenolic acids, and flavonoids.

As for the cucumber,  it is  one of the  excellent  fruits in securing moisture for the  skin and lightening the  skin as  well,  due to its richness in water  and many minerals and  vitamins  such as potassium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, provitamin A,  vitamin B and  vitamin C.

How to  prepare a  mask of black honey and cucumber

The  method of  preparing a  mask of black honey and cucumber will  not take you  much time and  give you an  excellent  result in the least  amount of time to lighten and moisturize the  skin. Peel a cucumber and mash it or  put it in a blender with a spoon of honey and  a little starch  until  you have a cohesive paste.

Clean the face  well first, then dry it, then  spread the  mask over the  entire face and eye  area and  wait for  about 20  minutes to  remove it with water. Repeat the recipe  daily for a month  in order to get a  gradual  result  by lightening the  skin  color  as well as  maintaining its moisture.

We remind you that  some  people are allergic to  some  natural materials, so  it is  best to  try the  mask on a small  part of your face first, or  on the wrist of the hand, to  make sure that the  skin  is not allergic to the  mentioned ingredients. 

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