How to prepare a hot oil bath to get rid of hair loss

There is no home remedy for hair loss better than preparing a hot oil bath to treat hair loss because it is one of the signs that helps you control the rate of hair loss and give it a natural shine and hair retains its strength. Some treatments depend on the use of only one oil, and other treatments can rely on the use of a mixture of natural oils. The most important feature of the oil bath is that it is effective and natural, thus helping you maintain the health of your hair. Because the task of stopping hair loss is difficult and requires you to use herbal oils to nourish the scalp and stimulate hair growth again.

 How does a hot oil bath help in treating hair loss?

  •  Restores hair moisture balance: When you achieve the required balance between moisture and protein in your hair care regimen, you can achieve maximum growth and take advantage of hot oil to enhance hair moisture.
  • Treatment of damaged hair ends: One  of the common problems for many is the damaged ends of hair that suffer from breakage and need you to take special care and provide nutrients to them directly.
  •  Improving the blood circulation of the scalp: Hot oil baths depend on massaging the scalp with hot oil, and this promotes the growth of new hair and prevents hair loss.
  •  Nourishing and Moisturizing Hair: Hot oil baths allow hair to appear shiny and have a stronger and healthier appearance. Where the shine begins to appear with the beginning of the application of the hot oil directly.
  • Revitalizing fragile hair:   Hot oil helps you get rid of brittle hair because it provides the necessary hydration to the hair. Thus, it restores life to fragile hair.
  •  Smoothing hair: If you have dry and coarse hair, using hot oil can add the necessary hydration to the hair. It also prevents dry hair that leads to the appearance of dandruff on the scalp.

Hot oil bath to get rid of hair loss

Before preparing a hot oil bath, you need to read more information on the Internet about the most important oils that are useful for hair, because there are many essential oils that are useful for hair health. Hot oil is suitable for treating different types of hair, as it is designed to suit the needs of your hair type. You can use one of these oils or mix a few of them together, according to your own needs. Here are the essential oils.

  • Olive oil: Olive oil improves hair elasticity.
  •  Jojoba oil: It is suitable for oily hair because it leaves oily hair soft and shiny naturally.
  •  Avocado oil: Avocado oil is suitable for dry hair because it is a great moisturizing ingredient for dry and frizzy hair.
  • Almond oil: Almond oil can treat a dry scalp that suffers from dandruff, and thus get smooth hair.
  •  Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil stimulates the pores of the scalp, thus preventing hair loss.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil adds shine and hydration that hair needs. It is an ideal ingredient for all hair types and helps reduce dandruff.
  •  Castor oil: Castor oil strengthens the hair and is ideal for getting soft hair easily.
  •  Sesame oil: Sesame oil is one of the ideal oils to add a natural glow to your hair and helps prevent weak hair from falling out.

In addition to these oils, it is recommended to use herbs. There are a group of herbs that enhance the hot oil bath, which are chamomile, nutmeg, rosemary, parsley, mint, ginger, and cardamom.

Here is how to prepare a hot oil bath to treat hair loss:

Prepare a medium-sized pot and put a few inches of water in it and bring it to a boil, then reduce the temperature while the water boils, then put all the ingredients except for the peppermint essential oil in a heat-resistant pot inside the pot of boiling water. Leave the oil in the boiling water for 30 minutes. Minutes after that, peppermint oil is placed.

This particular recipe depends on two types of oils from the oils mentioned above, and we show you how to store and reheat the oil again until the recipe achieves its required benefits.

The most important thing when preparing a hot oil bath is to wear a towel to cover the body because the stains from the oils leave a difficult trail. Now let’s start preparing the recipe by placing the hot oil in a small bowl and then taking 2-3 tablespoons, in the case of medium-length hair to be massaged Scalp gently for a while to achieve the necessary relaxation. It is usually recommended to repeat the oil bath every 2-4 weeks.

After massaging the scalp with hot oil, you can wear a shower cap to wrap the hair in it, and the hair will absorb the warm oil and eventually give an amazing result.

Home oils for hair loss treatment:

1. Coconut Oil:

Make a mixture of coconut oil with rosemary essential oil and aloe vera to treat hair loss. Aloe vera has many benefits, as it contains 20 amino acids that moisturize the hair and vitamins necessary to prevent hair loss and repair any damaged hair. Coconut oil is also rich in vitamins and acids necessary to stimulate the cycle. hematopoiesis of the scalp.

  • Take 1 aloe vera leaf.
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil.
  •  Drops of rosemary oil.


  •  Cut an aloe vera leaf in half to extract the gel and put it in a bowl to add coconut oil and heat the mixture on a quiet temperature for 5-7 minutes. Once it cools, rosemary oil is added to it. These ingredients can be stored together in a suitable container in a dark place for up to two weeks .
  •  To use this mixture, an appropriate amount of oil is poured to cover your fingers with it, and using your fingers, the scalp is massaged for 2 minutes, after which it is preferable to leave the oil on the hair for an hour before rinsing the hair with a mild shampoo. It is recommended to use this oil twice a week.
  •  This oil helps you in producing new hair, strengthening weak hair, preventing hair loss, eliminating itchy scalp caused by dry scalp, and balancing the pH of the scalp.

2. Herbal oil:

You need to use hibiscus flowers, which are rich in vitamins and amino acids needed to nourish hair. It helps you to prevent hair loss easily and to get hair as soft as silk, so if you are facing hair loss problems, hibiscus oil will help you a lot in treating this problem.

Ingredients :

  • 2 hibiscus flower.
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil.
  • 1/4 cup suitable essential oil.


  • Wash the hibiscus leaves under running water and then leave them in the sun until they are completely dry.
  • Heat a frying pan on the fire, to add coconut oil and essential oil, then carefully add the hibiscus leaves to put the mixture on the fire for 5 minutes and leave it to cool a little.
  • Take an amount of the mixture to apply it along the hair and massage the roots of the hair with your fingertips until you gradually reach the ends of the hair. It is recommended to continue to massage for 2 minutes until the oil is distributed and absorbed well.
  • This mixture adds more luster to the hair and helps you resist split ends of the hair and eventually get long and smooth hair.

3. Amla Oil:

Amla oil or Indian gooseberry oil is one of the natural oils that works as a wonderful scalp tonic and a means to prevent hair loss. It also enhances the gloss and shine of damaged hair.

  • 2 of the fruits of the Indian fox.
  • 4 tablespoons of organic coconut oil.
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil.


  •  Cut the fruits of the Indian fox into small pieces and dry them in the shade for an hour. After that, put it in a small pan and combine it with coconut oil and sesame oil and put the mixture on a low heat and after it boils, the mixture is left to cool. You can store the oil in a clean, dark bottle for a week.
  •  Take a portion of the oil and start applying it to the hair and massaging the scalp with it in a circular motion until the oil is distributed throughout the hair and promoting blood flow to the scalp. The next day, you can wash the hair with lukewarm water, followed by washing the hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  •  One of the benefits of using this oil is that it prevents premature graying of hair and improves hair’s elasticity and suppleness, in addition to getting longer hair.

4. Onion Oil:

Onions help prevent hair loss and treat various other hair problems. Because onions contain a high percentage of sulfur, which acts as an anti-bacterial and cleans scalp infections, onions contain a number of important minerals and vitamins needed to intensify hair and work wonders for thicker hair.

 Ingredients :

  • 1 small onion.
  • 2 garlic cloves.
  • 6 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil.


  •  In a small bowl, combine the chopped onion and garlic with the coconut oil and heat to an appropriate temperature. Once the oil has cooled, the rosemary essential oil can be added before storing the mixture.
  • Take an amount of oil and massage the scalp with it, then wrap the head with a wet towel for 15 minutes until the hair is soaked in the oil. In the event that it is difficult to get rid of the smell of onions and garlic, you can add lemon juice with cold water to rinse the hair.
  •  This mixture helps you to get healthy and thicker hair because it enhances the prevention of hair loss. Also, garlic and onions are elements responsible for strengthening the hair roots to get long and thick hair.

5. Ginger:

Ginger is very effective in treating hair problems, especially hair loss and itchy scalp, as it stimulates hair growth again. It has antiseptic properties for the scalp from infections and dandruff.

Ingredients :

  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger.
  •  1/2 cup of olive oil.
  • 3 drops of essential oil.


Heat half a cup of olive oil over a low heat until the ginger boils, then get the oil and filter the ginger away, then add the essential oil to the oil mixture and store it for up to two weeks in a dark and cool place.

Take an amount of oil between your fingers and massage the scalp with it for 2 minutes until the oil penetrates the roots, then wrap the hair with a shower cap for 15 minutes, then wash the hair with lukewarm water and shampoo.

This oil removes dandruff and many other problems of the scalp that cause hair loss and get healthy and shiny hair

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