How to manufacture natural Moroccan soap


Moroccan soap or black soap is rich in vitamins such as vitamin E, A, K, in addition to antioxidants that effectively fight skin problems. Moroccan soap is traditionally used in the countries of the Maghreb, as it is one of the types of soaps whose preparation has spread for thousands of years, and through our report we will know On the way to manufacture natural Moroccan soap.

How to manufacture natural Moroccan soap

Moroccan soap has a soft texture and a soft texture, not like regular soap, and it is very useful for getting rid of sagging, cracks and wrinkles from anywhere on the body, in addition to being suitable for all skin types. This is how Moroccan natural soap is manufactured:

the ingredients

1 piece of honey soap.

2 tablespoons of honey

2 tablespoons of glycerin

4 tablespoons sage (if skin is dry)

4 tablespoons of chamomile (if the skin is oily)

1/2 tablespoon rose oil

2 tablespoons sweet almond oil

How to prepare

1- Spread the bar of soap, then place it in a stainless steel bowl, then put it on the stove until it melts completely.

2- Add the rest of the ingredients to the soap, and stir until combined, then remove from heat, and leave aside to cool.

3- Divide the soap into balls before it becomes solid, then put it inside a bag and leave it for a day or two.

4- Cover the soap with soap well, put it in a dry place, and use it whenever you want.

Benefits of Moroccan soap

Moroccan soap consists of natural substances that are beneficial for the skin, such as glycerin, black olives and some oils, and all these substances together form a wonderful mixture for the skin that cannot be underestimated, and among the benefits of Moroccan soap:

It is used to treat stubborn skin problems such as Eczema, Psoriasis, Vitiligo and Itching.

Contributes to getting rid of dead skin cells, and deeply cleans pores.

– Activates blood circulation in the body.

– Effectively removes freckles and spots, cleanses the skin of any impurities.

– Evens skin tone, removes pigmentation.

– It provides youthful skin and removes any fine lines that may be present on the face.

– It strengthens the hair follicles, stops hair loss, and works to eliminate hair damage.

– Useful in treating chapped feet, and speeds up wound healing.

How to use Moroccan soap

It is known that Moroccan soap does not foam when used, so do not worry about this topic, and because the methods of using Moroccan soap are different and many, we have chosen this easy method for you.

the ingredients

Moroccan soap

Moroccan clay mask

Moroccan loofah

Argan oil

How to prepare

1- Prepare a hot bath, then massage your skin with Moroccan soap, leave it for 5 minutes, then rub with Moroccan fiber until you feel that your skin has become clean.

2- Rinse your skin with water, then spread the Moroccan clay over it, and leave it to dry for about 5 minutes.

3- Rinse your skin again, and spread Argan oil over it.

Today, we were keen to present a method of preparing natural Moroccan soap for all women interested in pampering their skin and giving it an unspeakable freshness and freshness. Try it and share your opinion and the result with the comment or photos.

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