Hot Chicken With Doritos Hot Corn



1 package Family size Doritos Hot Corn

4 pieces of boneless chicken breast

2 glasses of buttermilk

2 glasses of flour,

4 eggs, oil

Preparation: Chop the chicken breasts into 1.5 cm slices. Wash the chicken pieces and refrigerate them for 2 hours in a bowl of buttermilk. Roll the Doritos Hot Corn into flour and pour into a plate. Beat the eggs in another dish. Add oil to a deep pan and leave to heat over high heat. In the meantime, find the chickens you have kept in ayran in Doritos Hot Corn, which you have turned into eggs, then flour and then flour, and fry them in deep oil. Serve it with your favorite sauce like ketchup, mayonnaise, ranch, barbecue and honey mustard.

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