Global losses from climate change

Global losses from climate change

Dr. Sayed Sabry says that the world has lost trillions of dollars due to the climate change crisis, but the exact number is difficult to determine, but there are economic studies that have confirmed that the world has lost and is still making use of billions with continuous gratitude due to the effects of climate change, which lead to the occurrence of storms and hurricanes such as Hurricane Katrina and Ian in… Florida and other hurricanes in Bangladesh and floods struck many countries of the world, and there are economic consequences of these climate changes that affected many African countries and caused the phenomenon of drought as a result of lack of rain in many African countries, which led to famines in some countries of the African continent, especially countries Central Africa. These negative impacts also reached the countries of East Asia and caused a shortage of food and water resources, serious health effects on humans, the flooding of some places, and the occurrence of hurricanes and tsunamis in some countries.

Regarding the possibility of United Nations meetings reaching urgent solutions to the phenomenon, he explains that these meetings come up with recommendations but are not implemented because they have obligations for the major industrialized countries that adhere to those recommendations because they have development rates that they want to achieve and do not have the credibility to adhere to climate change agreements, such as the United States of America, which withdrew from the agreement. Climate change during the era of former US President Donald Trump and then again during the era of Biden, but there is no sincere intention on the part of the industrialized countries, as they are part of the commitment to the agreements.

Regarding what scenarios await the planet Earth if industrialized countries do not adhere to climate agreements, Dr. Sayed Sabry says: “If climate agreements are not fully adhered to, temperatures will increase more than the Earth needs, which will lead to the drowning of a large number of islands and other places on the coasts and countries.” riparian to the seas, especially places lower than sea level, unless countries take precautions.” He explained that Egypt is working to protect the beaches and is taking steps in this direction, and is trying with industrialized countries to persuade them to adhere to financial obligations related to financing developing countries to confront the repercussions of climate change, but the continuation of Climate changes will have bad effects on all countries of the world, especially developing countries. There are developing countries that do not have financing and will be less able to confront climate changes.

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