Foods rich in sodium and potassium


Sodium and potassium the human body needs to perform its functions in the required form to many minerals, and nutrients, which help it to develop and grow, and maintain the health of the body in general, as the body uses minerals in many vital processes; such as: bone building, transmission of nerve fluids, and the manufacture of hormones, it should be noted that minerals are divided into two parts; namely: major minerals; Sodium is one of the most important nutrients for the main functions of the body, and it should be noted that although some people fear sodium, because of its association with high blood pressure, but it is one of the most important minerals for the human body and essential for his health, as for the mineral potassium, it is in the third place among the most abundantFoods rich in potassium there are many foods that contain potassium which is in many vegetables, fruits, meat, and the most prominent of these foods mentioned include:[4] White beans, white beans are one of the best sources of potassium; one cup of them provides the body with approximately 829 milligrams, equivalent to 18% of the body’s daily potassium needs, in addition to containing iron, protein, folate, magnesium, and manganese. Potatoes, potatoes of all kinds are one of the most important sources rich in potassium; one potato grain provides the body with about 299 grams; equivalent to 34% of the body’s daily needs of potassium, and in fact one third of this amount is found in the potato shell, and it should be noted that a sweet potato grain contains about 180 grams; equivalent to 18% of the body’s daily needs of potassium, in addition, sweet potatoes are characterized by Beetroot, one cup of 170 grams of beetroot provides the body with approximately 518 milligrams of potassium, equivalent to approximately 11% of the body’s daily potassium needs, in addition, beetroot is one of the most important sources rich in manganese and folate. Bananas, one grain of bananas provides the body with approximately 442 milligrams, equivalent to 12% of the body’s daily potassium needs, and it should be noted that bananas are sources of high dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and magnesium. Avocado, avocado is a good source of potassium, providing about 20% of the body’s daily potassium needs, in addition to being rich in vitamin C, healthy fats, vitamin B6, vitamin K, and folate. Oysters, 100 grams of oysters provide the body with 18% of its daily potassium needs, and it should be noted that oysters are rich in iron, omega-3, vitamin B12, and selenium. Salmon, salmon is a rich source of potassium, protein, and omega-3; 187 grams of salmon provide the body with approximately 683 milligrams of potassium, equivalent to 15% of the body’s daily needs. Foods rich in sodium there are many foods rich in sodium, perhaps the most important of these foods are the following: [5] fruits, the tropical fruit known as Mami apples is characterized as one of the most sodium-containing fruits; 850 grams of them contain approximately 127 mg of sodium, in addition to the per serving of passion fruit, and guava Vegetables, there is a large group of vegetables that contain large amount of sodium; such as: beetroot, celery, and a serving of beetroot body approximately 65 mg of sodium, while providing a stalk of celery per body’s approximately 70 mg almost sodium, in addition to that 100 g of spinach contains about 80 mg of sodium, and other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, cabbage, and radishes. Sauces, sauces of different types are characterized by high sodium content; one tablespoon of soy sauce provides approximately 1000 mg of sodium. Cheeses, both fast food and processed cheeses are characterized by a high sodium content. Meat, meat of various types is one of the most important foods rich in sodium, and half of the chicken breast contains approximately 70 mg of sodium.

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