Egg Mask Balancing Skin Color  

Egg Mask Balancing Skin Color






1 Egg


1 Egg Shell


Preparation and application:


Break the egg and separate the yolk from the white. Egg white will be used in our mask.


Pulverize the egg shell in a mortar or grind it in a coffee grinder.


Thoroughly mix the powdered eggshell and egg white in a clean bowl.


Apply the mixture on your face.


Wait 15 minutes.


Wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a paper towel.




If you want to eliminate color irregularity on your skin, apply our eggshell mask, which has many effects on the skin, twice a week at regular intervals.


Since there is plenty of calcium in the egg shell, it creates a detox effect on the skin. It makes skin spots disappear. A lightening of the skin color is observed. By renewing the cells on the skin, you can have a bright and lively skin.

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