Effective solutions to stop hair loss and alopecia

Geranium oil can promote hair growth by promoting better blood circulation Your hair is like the crown of your glory, so, obviously, when it starts falling out, we all feel upset and in pain, and baldness is a common problem that many men as well as some women face.


No wonder the market is full of products that promise to stop your hair loss. Most of these products are expensive but when it comes to their hair, most people would think nothing of it at all. Unfortunately, most of these products offer empty hope. After using a few products, you may feel… with disappointment.


According to Helwa website, there is a magical and effective solution to solve hair loss problems: vegetable gel


According to them, there are a range of natural treatments that can treat different forms of hair loss. One such treatment is garilla extract, a gel extracted from two plants, coffee arabica and laria divaricata extract. Garilla gel is effective in stopping hair loss caused by alopecia.


Experts say that the gel was used in Argentina to regrow eyelashes and eyebrows, and its effectiveness has been successfully proven in people suffering from hereditary baldness and alopecia areata.


About the study

Androgenetic alopecia and patchy baldness are common disorders of hair follicles. According to a review in the journal Drag, androgenetic alopecia is caused by increased sensitivity of scalp follicles to testosterone (a hormone that arises from male characteristics).


The researchers in this Argentine study saw that application of gerilla extract resulted in a 20 percent increase in eyelashes in 80 percent of women, and a 19.44 percent increase in eyelashes in 100 percent of women. They say this product may work by converting the telogen growth phase to the anagen phase, as this process has been proven in mice. The telogen and anagen phase, along with the kagen phase, constitute the three stages of hair growth. They also added that the extracts have antioxidant properties. Since hair loss may be exacerbated by oxidative stress, these extracts can greatly help stop hair loss and grow new hair.


Other ways to treat hair loss

There are many ways in which you can treat hair loss naturally. If you suffer from alopecia areata, you need to consult a doctor. But at the same time, you can also try these natural remedies, you have nothing to lose, they can help you stop hair loss.


1- Onion juice, aloe vera gel, fish oil and lemon are some of the ingredients that you can put on your hair to stop hair loss, but you have to do it regularly.


Side effects resulting from eating onions

2- Geranium oil can also promote hair growth by promoting better blood circulation.


3- You can also use rosemary oil because it promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss. This oil also stimulates new hair growth and can effectively treat hereditary baldness. Just mix a few drops of rosemary oil in a carrier oil, (also known as base oil or vegetable oil, to dilute essential oils) and massage it into your scalp and leave it for an hour.


4- Coconut oil is another hair loss treatment, which contains properties that can prevent hair loss.


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