Dry hair treatment 9 recipes will prevent dryness


Looking for the best treatment for dry hair ? The first step is to change some of the daily hair habits and follow a healthy hair care routine and moisturize the hair to promote new hair growth and to be healthier and softer, in this article we will offer you the best natural home remedies to treat dry hair and moisturize it you can use any of these natural hair masks once or twice a week to help you repair damaged and dry hair .

Recipes for treating dry hair

1-treatment of dry hair by rinsing with tea  :

It is known that drinking warm tea is a wonderful remedy for bloating as it is a cure for sore throat, but rinse hair with tea is a natural and also effective treatment as it adds natural shine to the hair as it improves the hair color and maintains it, all you need is to rinse hair with non-local tea in the last step

2– moisturize dry hair with coconut oil virgin :

One of the best ways to treat dry hair is virgin coconut oil is one of the most important natural ingredients that work on deep hydration of hair and increase its softness as virgin coconut oil provides hair and scalp with nutrients, vitamins and fatty acids needed to moisturize hair and scalp and make them in the best health as it increases the density of hair, if

All you have to do is apply the oil on your scalp and then wrap hair and cover the head then wrap hair with a warm towel thick to help absorption perfect for decoration to obtain the highest degree of hydration, and then rinse the oil from hair and scalp by using the shampoo as usual .

3-treatment of dry hair with hot oil :

Warm half a cup of extra virgin olive oil, taking care not to boil it, massage this warm oil on the hair and then cover the hair with a shower cap and wrap the hair with a warm towel to keep the heat leave the warm oil bath on your hair for at least 45 minutes until the moisture accumulates inside the hair then rinse

4-treatment of dry hair with protein :

In order to strengthen the hair strands and repair the ends and ends of brittle and dry hair, you need to introduce a little protein into your hair, you can do this by applying a natural hair treatment consisting of an egg mixed with a small amount of your shampoo, leave the mixture on the hair for five minutes and then rinse it well, if you do

5-home-made rinse solution for dry hair :

If you practice swimming the chemicals that are found inside the pool water and the harsh elements that are found in the sea water can make the hair brittle, weak and dry so before swimming you should protect your hair using this solution intended for quick hair rinsing which is easy to make at home, just mix a quarter cup of apple juice diluted using three

6. moisturizing dry hair with avocado fruit puree :

Avocado fruit contains lots of minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids, you can try this effective natural remedy to restore the luster, shine and vitality of your hair .

Mix ripe avocado fruit puree with egg and mix them together well until you get a soft paste, put this mixture on wet hair and leave it for 20 minutes and then wash the hair with water well, if your hair is dry and brittle and completely you should apply this method at least once a week but if your hair is healthy you can

7– treat dry hair with egg whites with organic apple cider vinegar :

Restore Life to dry hair and damaged weak Mix 3 egg whites with 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar, and mix the mixture well and then rub this mixture on the hair and cover the hair using shower cap and leave it for half an hour and then wash your hair with shampoo and water in the usual way .

8-mask of roses and fruits for the treatment of dry hair :

The extracts of flowers and fruits always have a special place in beauty recipes whether these recipes for hair or for the skin as well, this treatment works to moisturize the hair and make it look in the most beautiful image and is as follows :


1 cup of Rose paste .

Paste 10 flowers of hibiscus .

10 leaves of hibiscus .

5 sheets of bay leaf .

1 mashed banana .

4 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil .

1 egg .

1 tablespoon butter .


This will help your hair to absorb the ingredients well from the roots and then cover your hair with a shower cap and leave the mixture on your hair for an hour and then wash it with shampoo and water in the usual way .

9. internal hydration and treatment of dry hair :

A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as gamma linolenic acid is an ideal treatment to keep hair hydrated .

You can add fatty acids Omega to your diet is by taking capsules of flax seed oil and borage oil or evening primrose oil daily regularly, you can eat 250 milligrams of capsules of any of these oils from once to three times a day or as prescribed to you by your doctor or pharmacist .

If you want to get omega-3 fatty acids directly from the source, you can add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to your routine diet such as salmon, fresh tuna, oysters, halibut, yogurt, eggs and pasta .

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