Celery for weight loss, recipes for its use and slimming benefits


How can we use celery to lose weight and benefit from celery to lose weight ? That celery for slimming can be used very effectively where celery is a plant you can eat at any time without the need to prepare it in any form for example: can be added to salads or can be added as an ingredient to vegetable soup or to juices. Celery is very useful for health and is an ideal way to lose weight because it contains few calories (only 16 calories per 100 grams) as well as a large number of other nutritional benefits.

Celery contains a large amount of water and is a good source of potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamins C, A, B and K.  Vegetables in general are plant nutrients that help maintain heart health and play a big role in preventing cancer.

Properties of celery for weight loss :

Celery consists of 95 % water and is therefore the ideal food to add to the diet because it contains few calories and helps to eliminate toxins. We explain to you the slimming properties of celery so that we understand why it is recommended to lose weight:

Celery food laxative: contains celery materials like saline and limonene and asparagus, as these substances help in getting rid of excess fluid. These substances are then found in the celery plant and in the leaves and seeds

Contains celery have fewer calories: you can add celery to the diet without worrying about calories because for every 100 C of celery contains 16 calories only

Helps with anorexia: celery contains a high amount of fiber that makes you feel full for a long time

Anti-toxin: celery’s high fiber content helps cleanse the body of toxins .

The 3 most important benefits of celery that you benefit from when using it to lose weight :

Maintaining brain health: contains celery I have a component called ” L-3-N-Butylphthalide” and recent studies have shown that this compound prevents and protects against memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.

Prevents urinary tract infections: due to its diuretic properties and thanks to the substance ” L-3-N-butylphthalide”, celery has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years in the treatment of urology. Celery helps expel excess fluid from the body without losing too much potassium .

Increase male fertility: studies have proven that celery oil with vitamin E increases sperm count . Celery contains aldosterone which is a product of testosterone. While vitamin E reduces oxidation and creates a better environment for sperm to mature

Celery recipes for weight loss

Celery soup

1-celery soup recipe for weight loss :

Dish celery soup or vegetable soup is a good way for weight loss especially with the addition of celery. Eating a soup dish before the main meal helps to warm the body and to feel full and thus not to eat a large amount of food. When celery is added to the soup, we increase the chances of losing weight based on the slimming properties mentioned earlier

Required ingredients:

6 celery sticks

Hanging large olive oil


Green pepper

Hanging large corn flour

1 liter broth

Method :

Boil all previous ingredients over low heat until fully cooked. This soup is considered a fat burning soup because it helps burn calories in addition to the health benefits of celery you should replace any fatty products with low-calorie products for example: choose cooking cream skimmed or contains 0% fat.

Celery juice

2– celery juice :

Celery juice is a juice that cleanses the body of toxins. Green juices made from vegetables and fruits help to cleanse and cleanse the body. Celery juice is one of the most popular juices for people who follow an anti – toxic diet-detox.

Celery tea

3– U celery :

Another way to lose weight is drinking celery tea as you can drink it throughout the day. To make celery tea: you need a stick of celery plant and 2 liters of water, and put the ingredients on low heat for half an hour to bring out the properties of celery plant into the water. Drink celery tea between meals and before bed, and in a few days you will notice the difference in weight and condition to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly .

4 – celery salad :


3 number of carrots clip

4 chopped celery sticks

1/4 cup coriander or chopped parsley

Quarter cup dried goji berries or apple juice

Quarter cup sesame seeds

3 tablespoons olive oil

A quarter cup of lemon juice

A little salt

Little sweaty cinnamon


1 – chop vegetables into slices and add to a large bowl .

2 – add the cranberries and sesame seeds and stir 

3. in a small dish stir oil with lemon juice, salt and cinnamon well .

4 – then add the dressing to the vegetables and served as a side dish .

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