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Do you know the benefits of sleep? - Care Beauty

Do you know the benefits of sleep?

Most people need about eight hours of sleep a day, and not getting enough leads to major health risks, which go beyond going to work the next morning in a bad mood and tired eyes.


The health risks you are exposed to as a result of lack of sleep include heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, and it also reduces a person’s life expectancy.

On the other hand, getting adequate sleep improves your health on several levels, the most notable of which are:

• Strengthening the immune system that protects your body from viruses such as influenza, and even cancer cells.

• Weight loss, as studies have shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a day are 30% more likely to become obese.

• Improving mental health, as sleeping difficulties may increase the risk of depression and anxiety.

• Protection against diabetes, as studies suggest that people who sleep less than five hours have an increased risk of developing diabetes.

• Improve sexual drive and increase fertility.

• Sleep is friendly to the heart, as sleep deprivation is associated with increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and levels of some chemicals that are linked to inflammation, which places an additional burden on the heart.