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3 habits that are harmful to the skin, refrain from them

To achieve moisture and softness for the skin, women resort to adopting some advice from family or friends, so that they serve as semi-daily skin habits. But these habits may not be healthy; The habit of washing the skin with soap, twice a day, does more harm than good to the skin, if the skin is dry or contains acne. Therefore, presents to you the three most famous wrong habits that harm the skin, so avoid them. These habits are as follows:


1- The first habit: only doing steam baths

One of your friends may advise you to do a steam bath for your skin, in order to cleanse your skin naturally and give it freshness and vitality. In fact, the benefit of a steam bath is that it opens the pores of the skin, making it ready to receive; Here is the right opportunity to apply a nourishing mask to the skin. But if you limit yourself to a steam bath for your skin and a nourishing mask, without applying anything that closes the pores, this will lead to your skin capturing germs and storing them inside. Therefore, you should apply honey or rose water to your skin after finishing the steam bath for your skin. To prevent dust from reaching the open pores of the skin due to the steam bath.


2- The second habit: exposing the skin to the sun

The sun contains some essential rays for the body, which contribute greatly to its complete health. Remember that the sun is the number one enemy of your skin, as it makes the skin flabby, dry and rough, in addition to dark spots and melasma. Therefore, make sure to choose sunscreen every time you leave the house. If you want to relax and be exposed to the sun, you can sit in an open place, but under the shade, away from direct sunlight, and away from the hours of direct rays, which are from ten in the morning until three in the afternoon.


3- The third habit: removing skin blemishes by hand

A woman may feel bored when she notices the appearance of pimples on her face, so she resorts to trying to get rid of these pimples by removing the white substance inside them, which leads to disfigurement of her skin, not beautification. Therefore, if you notice the presence of pimples on your skin, sterilize it with a special non-alcoholic liquid, and do not use soap so as not to dry it out, and refrain from tampering with it. Because this leads to an increase in pimples, or leaving a trace after the pimple itself disappears. As for blackheads, you can remove them by pressing them with a small tissue.

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