diet program to burn fat and cleanse the body of toxins

Top dieting doctors developed a 12-day diet program that works to burn fat.

It also works to expel toxins from the body, which maintains the general health of the body.

You can lose ten kilograms in two weeks according to following this healthy diet for weight loss.

Also, some nutrition experts advise eating some healthy diets to cleanse the body and expel toxins from it about once or twice a year, which makes you enjoy a healthy and healthy life.

Also, this diet is designed to expel toxins from the body, as previously mentioned.

And you will enjoy a great body shape, but this diet must be followed for 12 days.

The appropriate time to follow this diet is in the spring, as this season is the ideal season to change diets to lose weight effectively.

Guidelines to be followed during this 12-day diet.

  • Food should not be eaten three or four hours before bed.
  • Use olive oil, flaxseed oil, or sesame oil.
  • Drink enough water, herbal tea, and green tea.

Learn about this healthy diet with us on this topic.

weight loss diet program
Diet method to lose weight

Day 1 (dairy products)

A cup of skimmed yogurt + a kefir drink + a spoon of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

day two (fruit)

Four or six oranges + a tablespoon of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

The third day (Quraysh cheese)

A piece of Quraish cheese + a spoon of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

Fourth day (vegetables)

A bowl of vegetables + two tablespoons of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

Fifth day (chocolate)

A piece of chocolate + a cup of herbal tea.

Sixth day (apple)

2 or 3 kilos of apples without peeling + 1 tablespoon of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

The seventeenth day (cheese)

10 or 12 pieces of cheese + a cup of herbal tea.

Eighth day (vegetables)

A cup of vegetable juice + vegetable salad + a spoon of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

Day 9 (meat)

15 pieces of beef + spoon of oil + cup of herbal tea.

Day 10 (vegetables)

Green vegetable salad + 1 tablespoon of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

Eleventh day (Quraysh cheese)

Cottage cheese + a spoon of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

12th day (fruit)

2 kilos of prunes + 1 tablespoon of oil + a cup of herbal tea.

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