Covid-19: what is the pre-vaccination consultation for?


The vaccination campaign started on December 27 in France, after authorization from the Haute Autorité de Santé. The first step is to meet with the doctor.

A mandatory step

The campaign started in Seine-Saint-Denis and Dijon, in a long-term care unit in a hospital and in a residence for the elderly. First and foremost, consent must be obtained, for people who decide to be vaccinated against Covid-19, it is the pre-vaccination consultation. This first step is mandatory, unlike the vaccine. In practice, it is the attending physician or coordinator who performs this specific interview, within the maximum five days preceding the administration of the anti-covid vaccine. The Ministry of Health recalls that “this consultation can be carried out on site or, if this is not possible, remotely, by teleconsultation with or without video transmission. “

A role of exchange between patient and doctor

The healthcare professional ensures that there are no temporary or definitive contraindications to vaccination and assesses the benefit / risk balance for the patient. He checks for any history of allergies, identifies current infectious diseases and makes sure the person does not have Covid-19. Note that the seasonal flu vaccine must be performed at least 3 weeks before the injection of the anti-Covid vaccine. The doctor then comes to inform the patient, so that the consent is free and informed. Also, the future vaccinated can ask him all his questions and let him know of any fears. Several elements are discussed during this consultation, based “on the assessment of the patient’s clinical situation, information on the benefits and risks of the vaccine and on the preferences, questions and fears expressed by the patient. “

A reversible decision?

There is a written record of this consultation in the patient’s medical file as well as in a file that will be created especially for people who are vaccinated against Covid-19. It will be operational from January 4, 2021. It will also include the follow-up, which will be very thorough, with monitoring for at least 15 minutes after the injection. It is possible for the person to take the time to reflect, as long as it is compatible with the vaccine ordering schedule. She may also express her refusal immediately after the appointment, “until the last moment before the vaccine is injected.” The doctor has the obligation to respect this will. “, According to the ministry.

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