Adapt your diet according to your age


The body does not have the same food needs throughout life. It is therefore important to adapt your diet according to your age and to change your diet according to your needs.

In childhood

Until adolescence, the body is growing and therefore grows very quickly. To start good eating habits right away, it is important to give children a taste of everything, especially vegetables. While some have bird-like appetites, others will need to be curbed to prevent overweight and possible obesity in adulthood. With this in mind, it is better not to force a child to finish his plate as he may lose his ability to listen to his appetite, which could lead him to overeat as an adult.

During teenagehood

In adolescence, growth spurts caused by hormones increase appetite, and this is quite normal. Since food choices are not necessarily the best (junk food and snacks of all kinds), it is important to be well informed and to advise them.

Young adults

Lifestyle changes (pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle, etc.) modify eating habits and can lead to weight gain or deficiencies. It is essential to know the basics of healthy nutrition, to be physically active and to listen to your body. Since this is a period of life when the body and mind are overworked due to a busy personal and professional life, we must give pride of place to proteins to replenish energy as well as fruits and vegetables.

The effects of stress also modify our eating behavior, which manifests itself in overeating, or, conversely, a lack of appetite.

In quarantine

In the forties, the way of life is reflected on the figure and health (hypertension, cholesterol, etc.). The appearance of localized fat often arises at this age, we talk about the famous “belly of the forties”. To prevent and / or remedy it, certain eating habits must be changed. Fats and sugars must be limited, both to keep the figure and to stay healthy because an excess of lipids and / or carbohydrates is at the origin of many pathologies including cardiovascular pathologies. According to the World Health Organization, smoking, an unbalanced diet, physical inactivity and alcoholism are the lifestyle factors that have the greatest impact on health and mortality.

As we age, it is essential to eat healthy and sufficiently.

In your fifties

Muscle mass melts from the age of fifty, at a rate of 0.5 to 1% per year. This phenomenon, called sarcopenia, is accelerated by decreased physical activity, insufficient protein intake and menopause in women. It is therefore essential at this age to have a varied and balanced diet coupled with regular physical activity are essential to mitigate the effects of age.

After 70 years

The older you get, the more appetite you lose, which leads to weight loss and greater vulnerability. Bread and starchy foods (pasta, rice, potatoes, pulses) should be eaten with each meal. At least 5 servings per day of fruits and vegetables, alternating if possible raw vegetables (more vitamins) and cooked (easier to chew and more digestible) will also be on the menu. Just like fats (butter, cream, oils…).

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