Coconut water, source of life

Coconut has always been consumed regularly, and is an integral part of Polynesian life. We can say that coconut water is a national drink: it is drunk directly from the nut with a straw. Do you know all the nutritional values ​​of coconut water?

Everything resides in its maturity:

The green coconut , the one that is still very young when opened, contains tender flesh and our precious coconut water which is also called “coconut juice” in some countries.

This water serves as a water reserve for the coconut, and its germ that develops inside. By germinating, inside the nut, a real capillary network is built which will serve as the basis for its future root system.

Nutritionally, coconut water contains very little vegetable fat compared to coconut milk.

The brown colored coconut is a nut that has reached maturity.

This one has its pulpit which was transformed during the maturation process: its pulpit became fibrous and hard. It is also less tasty, and less digestible.

Nutritional value :

Coconut water is very rich in mineral salts. It is a very interesting source of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

The presence of alkaline minerals (potassium, magnesium, and calcium) makes coconut water an alkalizing substance: a precious asset for gently restoring our acid-base balance.

Coconut water is rehydrating:

Its natural concentration of mineral salts makes it a very interesting source of hydration and remineralization.

As its high mineral content is natural (humans have not added them), its bioavailability is superior to industrial drinks created for athletes (often too sweet, and sweetened with poor quality sugar, and in many cases with the addition of synthetic products): coconut water is therefore an ideal drink for all athletes. Even in large quantities, athletes can consume it, without having the drawbacks of industrial sports drinks.

Mother Nature always does things right, its hydration and remineralization capacity being much higher than that of spring waters, it is only natural that it helps us to stay hydrated when the temperatures get hot.

Coconut water reduces cellulite:

Women with cellulite, and looking to eliminate it, can be helped by consuming coconut water.

How and why ?

Please buckle up, as the explanation is a bit technical but worth it.

We are made of cells and our body is like a gigantic and magnificent ecosystem. Each of our cells absorb the nutrients from the food we feed, hence the importance of our food: because, physically, we are literally made of what we eat.

These cells reject waste and other substances that it does not need. To absorb and reject, these two movements are carried out via their membrane (each of our cells has a heart, and an envelope).

Sodium and potassium play an important role in these two movements, because they generate a “pump” effect which makes it possible to promote this exchange, or, on the contrary, to slow it down. In our current society, we tend to consume too much sodium (salt) so it is advisable to opt for unrefined salts.

Most sodium is found all around our cells on the outside, while potassium is found inside our cells. A potassium deficiency promotes water retention and will therefore reduce the exchanges of our cells, and decrease their activities.

Coconut water is very rich in potassium. This richness will therefore promote cellular exchanges (promote the functioning of this famous “pump”), and help decongest our tissues … and therefore free cellulite.

The virtues of coconut water:

Coconut water is a diuretic which is responsible for evacuating the toxins that are stored in our cells. When mixed with lemon it also helps eliminate intestinal worms in children.

In addition, drinking coconut water regularly helps to regulate blood circulation; this drink contributes to increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL) which constitutes an optimal protection for our cardiovascular health.

The presence of potassium in this natural drink also helps dissolve kidney stones. This mineral also plays an important role in the alkalization of the body and prevents the formation of new kidney stones.

The contraindications:

Despite all the riches it contains, coconut water should not be replaced by the water that we are used to drinking. It should also be consumed moderately in case of hyperpotassium in the blood. When doing fruit monodiets (all fruit), you should also avoid drinking coconut water.

Use :

It can be used as a base for making smoothies, replacing water or vegetable milk with coconut water.

Very useful when spending a long day in the sun, it helps protect against dehydration which is frequent. In all cases where a risk of dehydration points the tip of the nose (athletic highs, heatwave, diarrhea …), it is a fabulous drink that we should consume without hesitation. It helps nourish our body.

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