Are pistachios allowed in the keto diet

Are pistachios allowed in the keto diet

there are those who love pistachios, and prefer to eat them from time to time, so many ask about the allowance of pistachios in the keto diet, for everyone who follows the keto diet to lose weight wants to know the answer to this question in order to benefit from eating pistachios if it is It is allowed, so in this article we will answer you and explain to you through my sites the nuts that are allowed to be eaten, they are eaten while following the keto diet, and the possibility of eating peanut butter as well, because we briefly show the foods that are allowed and prohibited while following the keto diet.


Are pistachios allowed on the keto diet?


No, eating pistachios of any kind should be completely prohibited in the keto diet, because pistachios contain a large amount of carbohydrates, reaching 18 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of it, so doctors advise not to eat pistachios while following the keto diet and replace them with other types Other nuts that do not contain a large amount of carbohydrates, such as hazelnuts and almonds.




Is peanut butter allowed on the keto diet?


The answer is yes, pistachio butter can be eaten while following the keto diet if it is sugar-free; Because although it contains a large percentage of fat, it contains a small amount of carbohydrates. Which makes it one of the ideal foods that can be eaten while following the keto diet, but despite that, it is desirable not to overdo it to avoid exceeding the daily allowed amount of carbohydrates, which is estimated at 25 grams of carbohydrates per day.




The most prominent nuts allowed on the keto diet


There are many types of nuts that can be eaten while following the keto diet because they are low in carbs, and these nuts are the best


Walnuts, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Sesame, Sunflower seeds, Macadamia nuts, Pecans, Chia seeds, Pine tree;


Generally all low-carb or low-carb foods are allowed, not all high-carb foods are allowed during the keto diet, so those on the keto diet should research the percentage of carbs in the foods they want to consume, if it’s low, can I eat that food, But if the percentage is high, do not eat it, and if the person who follows the keto diet eats foods that contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, then he has violated the basic rule on which the system is based and he must stop the keto diet for a day and then start following it again after the end of the day between times The first and second to follow the system.


In this article, we have provided the answer to the question “Is pistachios allowed in the keto diet?” We also showed the types of nuts allowed in the keto diet, and the foods that are prohibited and allowed in the keto diet, to help those who follow it correctly and without errors to adhere to its instructions.

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