Another successful vaccine joins the race, so will we see the end of Corona soon?


Another successful vaccine joins the race, will we see the end of Corona soon?

Infectious diseases Saudi Arabia

US company Moderna unveils new coronavirus vaccine with more than 94% effectiveness, and with the German Zephyr vaccine announced a few days ago, the coronavirus seems to be living its last days!

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Another successful vaccine joins the race, will we see the end of Corona soon?

The American company modrina announced (.Moderna Inc. said that clinical trials conducted within the third phase of the development of its coronavirus vaccine have shown that the new vaccine may be 94.5% effective against the virus. 

To assess the effectiveness of the vaccine, the researchers at Moderna subjected 30,000 volunteers to the trial, as half of these volunteers were injected with two doses of the vaccine separated from each dose and followed by 28 days, while the rest of the volunteers were injected with a placebo, the results show that only 95 of the volunteers were infected with 

The company expects to be able to launch more than 20 million individual doses of the vaccine in the United States by the end of this year, and hopes to develop approximately 0.5-1 billion individual doses of the vaccine worldwide by 2021.

The announcement of this new vaccine comes just a week after the German company ziefer announced its vaccine, which the researchers declared a success rate of over 90%, but unlike the ziefer vaccine, which requires very low temperature storage, the researchers in Moderna stated that the vaccine they developed can be stored at moderate temperatures, easily available in various clinics, pharmacies and hospitals around the world, and can be left at room temperature for a full 12 hours without damage.

Two vaccines a week apart, will we see a third Vaccine soon? Are vaccines coming and we finally seeing an end to coronavirus? This is what we will know in the coming weeks and months.

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