ANA analysis and body immunity

ANA analysis and body immunity

The immune system is concerned with the process of defending the body, through the lines of defense that it forms in front of the pathogens, each line of defense has a specific defensive mechanism that differs in terms of style and defensive strength, so the front lines are usually effective in a comprehensive purification against the pathogens of the body, and when going deeper into Back lines of defense, the effectiveness of the immune system begins to work on the principle of specialization in defending the body, so the process becomes complicated for the front lines, where the type of elements that attack the body are studied, and antibodies are built to them, within a certain software, that allows the immune system to store the type of the attacking body And the nature of its composition, and the weapon needed to eliminate it, if these bodies return to attack again, it is disposed of, but some disorders may occur in the immune system in terms of identifying the attacking bodies, and the hostility to the body, so it attacks some cells of the body believing that they are hostile bodies, by building antibodies to it. The severity of the immune system attacking the body varies, which requires a study to measure the intensity of those defensive strikes to determine the extent of the damage to the body, which is then required to reveal the extent of the immune counterattack, which is called autoimmune diseases that differ in terms of severity, strength, and impact on the body. The body changes from one disease to another, so one of the best means of detecting it is to make an analysis that shows the amount of antibodies produced by the body’s immune system, against the nuclei of cells, which is called the ANA analysis.

Before conducting the analysis

You don’t usually need to do anything before the test, but you may need to stop eating several hours before the test. Some medications may have an effect on the results of the ANA test, so tell the specialist if you are taking medications. How the ANA analysis works: A sample is taken from the patient’s blood to be analyzed, and then placed on a microscope slide, belonging to an ultraviolet microscope, so that the examination slide contains cells equipped for this purpose, in order to interact with antibodies to the cells’ nuclei, if any, and thus They appear under the microscope after shining a bright and luminous ultraviolet rays into the examination sample, which gives a positive result for the examination, through the presence of an indication of an autoimmune disease, which was determined by determining the percentage of the presence of those antibodies over the course of the analysis.

Analyze the results of the ANA test

The alert necessitated that some people have a positive test result without the presence of any autoimmune diseases, as their percentage may reach 5% of the test samples. , which prompts the doctor to search for it correctly, according to the following percentages: The sensitivity rate in the positive test reaches 30%, which indicates the presence of rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, Schegren’s diseases, immunodeficiency diseases (AIDS), or endocarditis . Sensitivity rate of up to 65%, indicates the presence of liver disease, or some sclerotic diseases, such as scleroderma. A sensitivity rate of more than 94% indicates the presence of lupus erythematosus, or pharmacological diseases resulting from taking some types of drugs, such as penicillamide, hydralazine, procainamide

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