Almond Cake Recipe

 Almond Cake Recipe

You will not be able to get enough of the taste of the cake that comes together with the delicious almonds that will make your table beautiful. Here is a practical and delicious almond cake recipe …


1 cup of almonds

6 dates

● Half a glass of dried grapes

125 grams of melted butter

● Half a glass of powdered sugar

● 3 eggs

● One and a half teaspoons of cocoa

1 pack of vanilla

● grated zest of 1 orange

2 cups flour

1 packet of baking powder


Soak the ALMOND in boiling water for 5 minutes. Strain, peel and cut in half. Put in a non-stick pan. Stir and fry until the colors turn. Take out the seeds of the dates and cut them into cubes. Put it in a bowl with the grapes and flour lightly. Whisk butter, granulated sugar and egg. Add cocoa, vanilla, grated orange peel, grapes and dates. Set aside 2 tablespoons of almonds and add the rest to the mortar. Sift the flour and baking powder together, add and blend. Transfer the cake mix to a greased baton mold. Sprinkle the almonds on it. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees checking for 45 minutes (dip a knife into the cake, it is cooked if it comes out clean)

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