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8 proven home remedies for your pain - Care Beauty

8 proven home remedies for your pain

These home remedies eliminate pain easily. They are based on experiments or research studies. They can be used when you feel the following symptoms:


1- Pencil to treat headaches

When you feel stressed or anxious, you subconsciously put pressure on your jaw and teeth, which causes stress on the muscles that connect the jaws and temples, leading to a tension headache. The solution is to place a pencil between your teeth without biting it, as once you do that, the jaw muscles will relax. , which will prevent pain!


2- Yogurt to treat bad breath

Preliminary research indicates that live bacteria in milk “suppresses” the levels of bacteria that cause bad breath. The good bacteria in milk crowd out the “bad” bacteria and create an unhealthy environment for them.


3- Mouthwash to treat pimples

Classic breath freshener is a powerful antiseptic that can also eliminate pimples. To do this, moisten a cotton ball with lotion and pat the pimple 3 times a day until the area dries.


4- Licorice to treat corns

Licorice contains the hormone estrogen, similar to preparations that soften the skin around calluses. Make a licorice paste at home using the following method: grind a little licorice, mix it with half a teaspoon of Vaseline, and scrub the rough areas with this mixture. From your feet.


5- Tennis to treat foot pain

For an easy and free massage that stretches and relaxes your muscles, take off your shoes and place your feet on a tennis ball or golf ball for a minute or two. To cool a throbbing foot, place it on a bottle of frozen water and roll it.


6- Sugar to treat hiccups

Swallowing a teaspoon of sugar, dry, can stop hiccups in minutes! Sugar is also believed to relieve nerve muscle pain that would cause the diaphragm muscles to contract otherwise.


7- Apples to get whiter teeth

Crunchy fruits and vegetables are like a toothbrush when you chew them a little, and they also provide natural cleansing that removes tooth enamel stains. Apples, in particular, contain gentle “malic acid” that also helps remove stains.


8- Adhesive tape to treat warts

Covering warts with duct tape is better than freezing them, according to a study. The duct tape eliminates them by 85% after two months, compared to 60% with the freezing method.

To use tape safely, clean the area. Then cut a piece of duct tape, slightly larger than the wart. Apply it to the site and rub it into place. Replace the tape every 3 days and remove dead skin with a pumice stone or foot file. Repeat this process until the wart disappears, knowing that the chemicals in the tape will suffocate and kill it