6 major risks of IVF

Artificial insemination or in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertilization process that requires a complex series of procedures to complete successfully.

It can cause mild symptoms such as feeling sick and feeling bloated. In some cases, patients complain of stomach cramps and breast pain.

Usually all of these symptoms are related to the hormones that are produced in the patients’ body such as estrogen and progesterone which make patients suffer from such changes.

The artificial insemination process has some risks and side effects. In this article, we will learn about 6 major risks of IVF.


Reasons for undergoing IVF:


In vitro fertilization or IVF is a treatment for infertility or genetic problems. If artificial insemination is performed to treat infertility and delayed pregnancy.

You and your partner may be able to try treatment options first before attempting IVF. Including fertility drugs to increase egg production or intrauterine insemination, a procedure in which sperm are placed directly into the uterus near the time of ovulation.


Sometimes, IVF is offered as the first treatment for infertility in women over the age of 40.


Certain health conditions, for example IVF may be an option if you or your partner has one of these health conditions: Fallopian tube damage or blockage, which makes it difficult to fertilize an egg or transfer the fetus to the uterus.

Ovulation disorders, if ovulation is rare or Endometriosis: This condition occurs when tissue similar to the endometrium grows outside the uterus and often affects the function of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Uterine fibroids: Fibroids are benign tumors in the the womb .

It is a common condition in women in their thirties and forties. Fibroids can interfere with implantation of a fertilized egg. Tubal ligation: Tubal ligation is a type of sterilization in which the fallopian tubes are cut or blocked to permanently prevent pregnancy.

If you wish to become pregnant after a ligation, IVF may be an alternative to ligation reversal surgery. Poor sperm production: Below-average sperm concentration, poor sperm motility, or abnormal sperm size and shape can make it difficult to fertilize the animals.

Unexplained infertility: means there is infertility without any apparent cause despite evaluation of common causes of infertility. Genetic Disorder: If you or your partner are at risk of passing a genetic disorder to your child. Your doctor may advise you to do a genetic test before implantation, a procedure that includes artificial insemination. After the eggs are counted and fertilized, they are checked for specific genetic problems.

Although not all genetic problems can be found, embryos that do not have specific problems can be transferred to the uterus. Fertility is preserved in case of cancer or other health conditions. If you are about to start cancer treatment such as undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy sessions that may harm your fertility, IVF may be one of the appropriate methods for you to maintain your fertility. Eggs can be collected from women and frozen in an unfertilized state for later use. The eggs can also be fertilized and frozen as embryos for future use


Main risks of IVF: 1- Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS):


In this case, the ovaries tend to swell, and as a result, fluid builds up in the stomach and in the chest, leading to bloating and decreased urine output. This may cause the patient to be admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the advanced technologies at the present time, there are limited cases of these cases.


Also, at the time of egg retrieval, the patient may be exposed to an injury to the organs surrounding the ovary or near the ovary.

  1. Such as the urinary bladder or bubbles that are there. Because of this injury, there can be some problems in terms of urine output or during defecation.

In addition, there can be injury to the blood vessels surrounding the ovary which can lead to a lot of pelvic bleeding which may require hospitalization. But these injuries are very rare, and with the presence of a good specialist, they did not occur.


2- Abortion or ectopic pregnancy:


There is a 2% to 4% risk of an ectopic pregnancy when undergoing IVF. Where the pregnancy is placed in the tubes and not in the uterine cavity. Apart from that, 15-20% of the chances of an intrauterine pregnancy are prone to miscarriage. This is because the quality of the embryos is sometimes not very good and that is why the patient can suffer a miscarriage.


3- Pregnancy in more than one child (multiple pregnancy):


Because usually the doctor transfers two or three fertilized embryos to the uterus. There is a possibility that the patient has more than one fetus, usually twins, and in very rare cases, they may be triplets. However, these women have a chance to undergo the process of reducing the number of fetuses.


4- The emergence of birth defects in the child:


Usually birth defects appear in 2% to 3% of cases, which is a normal percentage, as is the case in cases of natural pregnancies. IVF by itself does not increase the chance of birth defects in the fetus.


5- Feeling emotional stress:


Many women may experience stress, anxiety and tension after and before undergoing IVF. Especially if the patient did not understand what is happening after and during the IVF process, as this makes her unprepared for what comes next and makes her feel more anxious. The woman may also suffer emotional stress and disappointment if pregnancy does not occur after the artificial insemination process. As a result, it is very important that the physician or medical advisor take over the case and explain all the procedures very well and in great detail to the patient.


6- Pelvic inflammatory disease:


The patient may get pelvic infections as a result of inserting a needle into the pelvic cavity. As a result, the infection may pass in unhealthy conditions when done correctly. Usually this infection is not noticed and is not reported.


If you decide to undergo IVF, you should choose a reputable center and a doctor who specializes in these cases. In order to avoid the side effects and risks that may result from the IVF process.

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