5 foods that prevent hair loss and help its growth

Nutrition plays the most important role when it comes to healthy hair. Superfoods with their superpowers internally help hair grow strong, thick and prevent hair loss. A nutrient-dense diet is more effective in achieving healthy hair than the topical application of certain products. Our hair needs acids fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc, iron and other multivitamins that help prevent hair loss and enable you to have thick and strong hair. Here are 5 foods that prevent hair loss and help its growth and density, according to what was published by “food.ndtv”. Spinach


Spinach is an excellent leafy vegetable for hair growth, rich in vitamin C and A, iron and folic acid, eating spinach regularly can do wonders for your hair, spinach is an iron-rich food that is very beneficial in promoting hair growth, as iron is one of the essential components for hair growth. Also, low iron intake can lead to hair loss, so be sure to include spinach in your diet to prevent hair loss.




Our hair needs protein to grow healthy and thick, and eggs are the best sources to get protein from. Eggs contain two of the most important components of protein for hair growth and biotin, which are needed to prevent hair loss. Since our hair is made of a protein called keratin, it is very important to eat food rich in protein. Apart from that, eggs also contain zinc and selenium which are great for your hair.




Berries are full of antioxidants and vitamin C that strengthens hair follicles and helps strengthen hair roots. Consume any kind of berries in your daily diet to notice a big difference in the health of your hair. Vitamin C is also a great source of collagen that your hair needs to promote hair growth. Berries also help prevent hair breakage.





Almonds contain omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin E, B1, B6, and selenium which are excellent nutrients for hair growth. Protective for hair, as it protects hair from environmental damage thus allowing hair to grow healthy. Almonds are rich in magnesium which is a powerful hair thickening ingredient.


Chia seeds



Chia seeds are rich in proteins, copper, and phosphorous, which are key factors for thicker hair. Chia seeds provide hair with keratin that helps in promoting strong and thick hair. The copper present in chia seeds helps in promoting its growth. It protects the scalp from any infections and keeps the scalp healthy. .

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