Do you want to make easy zucchini with bechamel? Get acquainted with my site on how to make zucchini and bechamel sauce to serve it to your family members.
Modus operandi of zucchini with bechamel easy ingredients
Zucchini: a kilo
Onions: 2 pcs
Hot pepper: 1 piece
Salt, to taste
Black pepper to taste
Cumin: half a teaspoon
Oil: 2 cups (for frying)
Minced meat: 250 grams
Bechamel sauce: 3 cups
How to prepare
Cut the zucchini into rings, then fry them in boiling oil.
Describe it well on paper tissues.
Cut the onion into rings and sauté it in non-excessive oil.
Season the onions.
Stack a layer of zucchini, then minced meat, then onions, then repeat the step until the quantity is finished.
Pour the béchamel after you finish stacking.
Put the zucchini into the preheated oven at 190 degrees, until the bechamel is browned well.