Zinc strengthens memory and reduces cold symptoms

Zinc is a mineral that has beneficial bodily functions, including strengthening the immune system and avoiding depression, and works to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and pressure, and it always contributes to resisting these diseases if they are infected, so it must be placed within a healthy, healthy diet, according to what was published by Business Insider.


Dr. Scott Kaiser, PhD, a geriatric medicine at Providence St. John’s Center, said: Zinc is a scarce mineral, which means that we only need a small amount of it, but it is essential, noting that it is easy to meet our needs for this mineral through several well-known foods. .

Zinc benefits include:

1. Zinc Aids Growth and Development For his part, Dr. Kaiser says, “Zinc is essential for DNA formation and cell growth, building proteins, healing damaged tissues, and supporting healthy immune system function.” Zinc is important for infants, children, and adolescents because it supports healthy growth and development.

2. Zinc prevents age-related macular degeneration (AMD):

Zinc helps prevent vision loss associated with age-related macular degeneration, as well as slow the progression of this condition when it is present.


According to a study by the National Eye Institute, daily supplementation with 80 milliliters of zinc along with copper and antioxidants reduced patients’ chances of developing age-related macular degeneration by 25 percent, compared to a placebo.


3. Zinc May Improve Mood Researchers have linked zinc deficiency to mental health conditions such as depression, so zinc supplements are sometimes included in the treatment of depression.




Experts believe that the presence of zinc in the brain interacts with key receptors that help drive the production of serotonin, a chemical sometimes referred to as the “happy chemical” for the role it plays in improving our mood.

4. Zinc can reduce the length and severity of the common cold


“If you take zinc soon after the onset of cold symptoms, you can significantly reduce the duration and severity of symptoms,” Kaiser says.


5. Zinc strengthens memory and attention Zinc plays a dominant role in the health of the nervous system and the regeneration of brain cells, which may help explain why zinc deficiency is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

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