You will not imagine the benefits of the Indian premium for skin either


The Indian premium is one of the most famous and well-known plants grown in the regions of the Middle East, Asia and India

It is included in the formulation of many products that care for skin, health and beauty, and among the most important benefits for skin are the following:

For the freshness of the face: the Indian premium helps in the freshness and purity of the face.

For Dry Skin: Moisturizes and softens dry skin.

For oily skin: it works to remove the lipid layer as a face wash or mask

But it is preferable that the skin is clear without the presence of any pimples on the face to prevent the occurrence of conflict.

For sensitive skin: Caution is necessary, but the Indian premium is used for purity of the skin as long as the skin does not have a skin disease.

For skin diseases: The Indian premium is used as a natural treatment for many skin diseases, including an abscess

Eczema and light burns by making Indian premium powder as a topical oil on the skin disease.

How to use:

Grind the roots of the Indian premium until it becomes like powder, then take two tablespoons of it and mix with a spoonful of olive oil

Or honey (preferably olive oil) or warm water, and we start by using a clean piece of clothing or cotton and dipping it in the paste,

Then the paste is placed on the affected skin as a topical cream, and it is washed after ten minutes and repeated once a month.

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