Yeast mask for fattening and freshness of the face

Some girls face a problem with a skinny face because they depend on diets to get fit, which reflects negatively on their faces, which show signs of extreme emaciation, which gives the impression of fatigue and disease. In order to avoid this, here is a mask of yeast and honey to fatten the face and show it better. Youthfulness of the skin, and in delaying the appearance of wrinkles and reducing their percentage, due to the presence of single-celled organisms inside the yeast, which contain a specific protein responsible for age-related changes. The study showed that artificial suppression of these organisms could lead to rapid aging, while reducing their life expectancy. In contrast, the researchers noted that the recovery of these organisms significantly slows down the action of the aging-inducing protein.


There are three types of yeast:


Brewer’s yeast:


It is a dough-like substance with a rectangular shape. As for instant yeast, it is dried yeast sold in the supermarket, in the form of small granules the size of a grain of sugar.


Instant yeast and its benefits:


Instant yeast has many cosmetic benefits, whether to reach the ideal weight or to soften hair. But its most prominent benefit is in the freshness and purification of the skin.





Brewer’s yeast contains all B vitamins and is beneficial for people who suffer from weak nerves and appetite and who are thin. The use of this yeast is very safe, and it is taken at the rate of two pills before the three meals for adults, and one pill before meals for those over twelve to eighteen.


How do you use yeast for the beauty of your skin?


You can prepare a mask for the skin from instant yeast, according to the method of the star Mai Ezz El Din.


Now we offer you a perfect way to prepare a yeast mask.


the components:


A spoonful of yeast, a spoonful of honey, a lemon, a spoonful of yogurt.




Mix all the previous ingredients together until they become somewhat cohesive, then put them on your face for half an hour, then rub them, before you wash your face with lukewarm water. Finish the application by applying a moisturizing cream.


Repeat this mask until you get the desired result of fattening the face and giving it freshness and radiance.

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