
Where is iodine found?

Where is iodine found?

Where is iodine found?



Sea products, including fish, shells, crustaceans and algae, are rich in iodine. Iodine is found in plants such as cauliflower, pistachios, asparagus, garlic, sesame, and whole grains. Iodine is an important mineral that the body needs in small quantities in order to metabolize fats. It is necessary for physical and mental growth, and for the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxine. A deficiency of this mineral causes an enlargement of the thyroid gland, and the affected person feels many symptoms, the most important of which are fatigue, lethargy, and weight gain.

Sources of iodine in food Sources of iodine in food: It is important that you get the appropriate amount of iodine in your diet to ensure that the thyroid gland is in good working order. Without enough iodine, you may develop thyroid disorders, brain disorders and even suffer multiple miscarriages. If you experience fatigue, weight gain, weakness, or depression, it’s possible that a lack of iodine is to blame. Here’s a list of some ways to get your iodine from the food you eat.
Processed FoodsProcessed foods sometimes have iodine added to them, which increases their iodine content. Such foods include iodized salt (table salt, although sea salt is also a good source) and bread made with iodized dough conditioners (most commercially prepared breads). Iodized salt is the most effective way to get iodine from food, but be careful not to overdo it with salt which can lead to other health problems.
One of the best natural sources of iodine is kelp and other sea vegetables. Sea kelp contains natural iodine, forms element iodine, and is very rich in iodine. Just one small serving daily gives you more than 100% of your daily needs for iodine. It can also be found in kelp in capsule form to be taken as a supplement.
Dairy Dairy products, specifically cow’s milk and yogurt, are good sources of iodine. From one serving of these products you can get 40 to 60 percent of your daily value of iodine. Mozzarella cheese is also a good source, but contains only about 6%. Often, cows graze on grass grown in soil rich in iodine, which carries more than dairy products.
Seafood The amount of iodine that fish can give you varies between species and also depends on the levels of iodine in the water. However, most fish contain some iodine, especially ocean fish. Fish can be a good source of iodine, but it should be combined with another source for you to meet your daily needs. When taken as a supplement, you can also get iodine from cod liver oil.
Other Sources Other foods that are very high in iodine include eggs, strawberries, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil. Foods such as fortified cereals often contain some iodine, information about which can be found on the nutrition label. Also, there are small amounts of iodine present in tap water.

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