what skincare product changed your skin?


It is  true that  every  woman has a  different  skin  type,  but there are  9  skin care  products that  keep her in  permanent  youth.

Find out  below  about  these  nine  skin  products to  enjoy  young  skin  always.

1- Sunscreen: It is the  most  important product for  every  woman. It prevents  skin  aging  and prevents  skin cancer. Therefore,  it is  essential that it does  not  leave your bag. Apply it  several  times  a day  on the face and body,  especially  when  exposed to  intense sunlight.


2- A  gentle  cleanser for the  skin: The  basis of the  skin care  routine is  clean  skin, and this step can  only be  achieved with a  gentle  cleanser  on your  skin,  which you use  in the morning and evening,  as it cleanses it of toxins,  dust,  dust and  any other impurities, which protects it from  pimples and makes it  always bright.

Skin  cleanser

3- Retinol: It is a substance derived from  vitamin A, the  ingredient  recommended  by dermatologists to  avoid  premature  aging of the  skin. It works to stimulate collagen and elastin  in the  skin,  which are  responsible for  skin  youth and  preventing wrinkles and  fine lines.


4- Vitamin C: This  vitamin  maintains the glow of the  skin, prevents hyperpigmentation, and works to  get rid of dullness and yellowness. Therefore,  always use the serum  rich in  vitamin C, and  never do  without it.

Vitamin C

5- Skin exfoliator: When  dead cells  accumulate  on the  surface of the  skin, they  interfere with the  reflection of light, giving the  skin a  dull appearance. Thus,  gentle  manual exfoliation  helps  remove  dirt and oil buildup, and  restore radiance to the  skin. With  that in mind,  always have a  gentle scrub  suitable  for your  skin  type  in your bag.

Skin scrub

6- Collagen-boosting cream: If  you are  keen to  maintain  young, wrinkle- free  skin, all  you have to do  is use a collagen-boosting cream,  as it promotes collagen  production  in the  skin, reduces  the appearance of wrinkles, and works to moisturize and  smooth the  skin.

Collagen fortified cream

7- Toner: This product  is not  only  intended  for oily or acne- prone  skin. Using it  in the morning  helps cleanse the  skin and make it  quick to  absorb morning creams,  as well as shrinking the  large pores of the  skin.


8- Skin Moisturizer: This lotion moisturizes dry  skin, so  apply it  before  using  any other cream, giving your  skin  a shiny and radiant appearance. Specialists  advise  to use a moisturizing spray for the  skin  several  times  a day.

 skin moisturizer

 9- Face  mask: The face  mask is of  great  importance  in the  skin care  routine,  as it nourishes and moisturizes the  skin and works to lighten its color. It  is recommended  to use  masks  rich in  natural oils and antioxidants. 

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