What is the human body made of?

human body
God Almighty created man in the best form and made there a precise and creative integration between its various parts so that each organ could perform its assigned function and thus the coordination and integration of the body’s movement. There are many books, studies and reports in it, so what are the components of the human body?
Components of the human body
The human body consists of the cell, which is the smallest part of it, and is the unit of composition in the body, and these cells are diverse, as the adult human body consists of about 100 trillion cells classified into 200 different types in function and shape, but they all share the same cellular structure, and when a group of cells meets Specialized in functions together, they form the tissue, for example, a group of neurons combine together to form the nervous tissue, and so on, and there are many types of tissues.
When two or more tissues are connected together to form a single structure with a specific task, they form the organ; For example, the heart is an organ that carries out the task of pumping blood to all parts of the body. The heart is made up of connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. The group of organs together constitute the system, for example, the digestive system consists of organs that are useful in digesting food and benefiting from its elements, such as: the stomach and intestines.
body systems
The human body consists of a group of complex systems that cooperate together to complete its work, and the most important of these devices are:
• The digestive system: It is responsible for digesting food, breaking it down and absorbing useful nutrients from it. It consists of: the mouth, stomach and intestines.
• The respiratory system: It is responsible for the process of obtaining oxygen from the air we breathe and getting rid of harmful carbon dioxide resulting from the vital processes that take place within the cells and tissues of the body, and it consists mainly of the nose and lungs.
The circulatory system: It is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, and it consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels.
• Endocrine system: It is responsible for the secretion of some hormones responsible for carrying out some tasks in the body.
• The immune system: It is the system responsible for defending the body against pathogens from viruses and germs.
• The lymphatic system: it defends the body and fights diseases through white blood cells, washing the cells of the body’s tissues and nourishing them through lymphatic fluid.
• The nervous system: It is responsible for coordinating and organizing between the various body systems.
The skeletal system: It is responsible for support and protection
Structural body through bones.
• Urinary system: It is responsible for the task of excreting the waste products resulting from the body’s work to the outside.

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