What is jello skin?.. and how can you get it?

What is jello skin?.. and how can you get it?




The shiny skin of Koreans is amazing.. you want to have it?.. no doubt that all women have the ambition to reach that clear and flawless skin, as one of the skin care regimens that made many people talk about recently is the famous Korean beauty trend called ” Jello Skin” (Jello leather).


After all, your skin can be exposed to many harsh conditions on a daily basis, especially during long summer days in the sun, and to help your skin recover, it’s important to give it a “five-star” treatment every day.


But you’ll say you’re busy, and you have a lot to do, we know that! However, it is our duty to tell you that starting a skincare regimen keeps your skin healthy, which certainly pays off in the long run, as healthy skin reflects a healthy life.


How did the term “jello skin” begin?


This term was coined by Ava Lee or AVA, the famous skincare expert on “Tik Tok”, where in a video, which went viral, she asks a question we all want to know the answer to, is: How do you know if you have enough collagen in your skin?


The esthetician is shown commenting that her skin does not vibrate when tapped, but instead “bounces” back to its original position, noting that this is a sign of healthy, firm skin, and the perfect sign that your skin has a good level of collagen.


That is, jello skin is firm, dewy and wrinkle-free, and fortunately there are many techniques available to make your skin look and feel like jello.


Discover Vitamin B3 in your beauty products


It’s important to know that choosing an acid-free toner is the perfect way to prep your skin, as it minimizes your pores, giving you a smooth, gel-like consistency.


A toner should also contain niacinamide, which we like to call nature’s beauty essential, as it’s a type of vitamin B3.


This powerful nutrient has a lot of great benefits for your skin, and including it in your daily beauty routine can help reduce redness and inflammation, as it aids in keratin production.


You may have seen keratin included in your hair products, because this protective protein is what your hair, skin and nails are made of, and the more of it you have, the healthier, firmer and stronger these three things become.





Jello Skin starts with healthy options


Lotions, creams, and masks are all powerful beauty products that we love to use, but one thing they all have in common is that they only penetrate deep into the skin, but what if breakouts persist, or we can’t get over the little lines and puffiness that still appear under our eyes? So if the appearance of our skin is a reflection of our overall health, beauty really starts from within.


For this, we assure you of the importance of taking care of your health to achieve your external beauty goals, as taking care of your health is an important factor in maintaining healthy skin.


And one way you can start your steps towards “skinning jello” is by making healthy breakfast choices, like having yogurt with mango slices on the side.

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