What are the benefits of egg whites for the skin? Great uses and mixtures for your skin

Eggs are the highest source of protein. Both egg whites and egg yolks are very important and can be used for many different recipes What are the benefits of egg whites for the skin? Great uses and mixtures for your skin. Eggs contain many different nutrients, while the yolk contains good protein, it also contains a lot of cholesterol. On the other hand, egg whites are relatively healthier


Both egg whites and egg yolks have their own health benefits, which makes up for a lot of the health benefits of eggs. If she suffers from high cholesterol, the doctor advises that you only consume egg whites. However, the egg yolk has many health benefits.


Egg white benefits for skin


Egg whites are the most beneficial and healthiest because they are free of fat and cholesterol. Egg whites from one egg contain high amounts of protein and sodium, with very few calories. They also contain small amounts of vitamin B, which is very important for the health of your body.


The calories and nutrients you receive from eggs are of a much higher quality than any other breakfast foods. So, you end up eating fewer calories but being healthier. It is one of the best ways to use egg whites to lose weight.


If you are looking to build muscle mass and build muscle, the trainer advises you to consume raw egg whites.

There are some who use egg whites for diabetes as well.

It is also very convenient, as it provides a lot of inexpensive nutrition.

Due to their nutritional value and low calories in eggs, egg whites can be used as a substitute for many different recipes that use whole eggs.


Egg white nutrition:


If you are planning to go on a diet, you can discuss the nutrition facts for egg whites with your dietitian. Among the eggs, “one large egg contains”: – Read how to make egg Shakshuka


• Calories .

• 0.1 g of fat, which is less than 0.1% of the total fat you need throughout the day.

• 0% cholesterol

• 55 mg sodium, which is 2% of the daily requirement.

• Total carbohydrates are about 0.2 g, which is about 0.2% of the total daily requirement. Almost all of these carbohydrates are derived from sugars.

• 3.6 grams of proteins

• 2.3 mg of calcium

• 53.8 mg of potassium

The nutritional value in a boiled egg is the same as that in a raw egg, although the quality of the proteins may change as a result of coagulation from heat. The nutrients in scrambled egg whites are the same as those in hard-boiled eggs. If you add other ingredients to scrambled egg whites, the nutritional values ​​of these ingredients can be added to the eggs


Egg white benefits for skin:

• Eggs are an excellent skin care ingredient. In fact, a lot of face masks contain egg white as their main ingredient.

• Egg whites can have a whitening effect on the skin and can give you a clean and clear appearance of the skin.

• It can also help in shrinking your pores and thus help you prevent acne and pimples on your face.

• It also has a deep cleansing effect, thus improving both skin texture and appearance. It tightens the skin, making it look younger for a longer period of time.

• For those who have deep wrinkles on their face, egg whites can have a good health effect.

• The face becomes supple and smooth. It also helps balance oils, and is ideal for those with oily skin.


Egg whites for acne scars:

Egg whites are best used to improve skin texture. Egg whites contain proteins that are able to absorb excessive oils and fats on the skin. The oil produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin can clog your pores and cause acne or infection. However, egg white has a deep cleansing effect, and also tightens the pores, which reduces the likelihood of getting acne. You can also use egg whites to treat acne scars


Egg whites for wrinkles:

Research has shown that a face mask made from egg whites can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the delicate eye area. There are 69 different proteins in egg whites, and this is beneficial for repairing your skin. To get the most benefit from the egg white, it is best to use the egg white mask only before going outside

Method: Beat egg whites until foamy and then apply them all over your face and neck using your index and middle finger. Using gentle circular motions, rub the egg whites onto your skin. Leave to dry for a few minutes.

Ideally, it takes about 30 minutes for egg whites to dry completely. Wash with cold water and dry your face with a clean, soft towel, then moisturize your skin.


Face mask recipes for beautiful skin from egg whites

Nutrients in Egg White:

Protein: For tissue repair and growth. It makes the skin free of wrinkles.

Potassium: Moisturizing and retains moisture in skin cells.

Riboflavin: Removes toxic free radicals and harmful cells that create wrinkles.

Magnesium: gives the skin radiant youth and slows down the aging process of the skin.


Egg whites have been used in mask recipes since ancient times, especially in Asia, to achieve beautiful, radiant skin. Egg whites can be used alone in the mask, or other ingredients can be added to give more nourishing benefits to the skin.


1- Egg White Acne Mask:

This mask consists of 3 main ingredients that can be found in every kitchen. It’s so simple, plus it’s inexpensive, you simply won’t be able to miss out on the many benefits!


the ingredients:

1 egg white

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

½ teaspoon honey


Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties and is also a wonderful moisturizer and skin lightener.

Lemon juice fights the bacteria that cause acne and prevents its growth. Lightens and reduces skin discoloration and unifies skin tone.



In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice until the mixture becomes fluffy, then add ½ teaspoon of honey and stir well.

Then wash your face with warm water to open your pores and using clean hands or cotton wool, apply the mixture on your face, avoiding the sensitive areas around the mouth and eyes.

Keep the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes. When the mixture is completely dry on your face, gently rub and rinse using warm water, treating all areas of your face using a circular motion.


Tips :

• When applying this mixture to the skin, apply it upwards from your chin to your cheeks and forehead, using a gentle circular motion.

• Avoid sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth, because if it is stretched by this mask, the skin in this area will tighten and it may cause wrinkles.

• This wonderful mask is effective in getting rid of excess oils in the skin. If the skin is of dry type, please refrain from using this mask.

2. Skin-lightening mask using egg whites:

This mask has an effective skin lightening effect that uses turmeric which is a root herb that has amazing skin lightening results that help lighten discolorations and black spots caused by acne.


the ingredients:

1 teaspoon of orange juice

1 egg white

1 teaspoon turmeric powder



Put the egg whites with 1 teaspoon of orange juice in a small mixing bowl and whisk. Then add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix well. Using clean hands, put the mixture on your face and massage in a circular motion, allowing it to penetrate deep into the skin. Leave on for 15 minutes while lying down to prevent gravity from pulling the mask down. When it dries, gently rub and apply moisturizer or preferably 3-4 drops of olive oil if you want to use natural materials.


Tips :

• Wear an old T-shirt over your clothes to prevent yellow stains from turmeric that are very difficult to wash off.

• This mask can cause dehydration to the skin, so it is best to put olive oil on your skin after washing it to moisturize the skin.

• Refrain from talking or smiling while putting on the mask so as not to cause wrinkles.


3- Egg White Moisturizing Mask:

This mask is of great benefit for people with very dry skin, because it contains effective ingredients such as avocado, with many vitamins and healthy fats, to moisturize the skin to make it supple and smooth and egg white helps nourish your skin with nutrients such as protein and vitamin B.


the ingredients :

1 egg white

¼ ripe avocado

1 teaspoon of yogurt

Avocado moisturizes the skin, and makes the skin fresh and clear.

Yogurt contains substances that prevent the growth of bacteria that cause acne. Nourishes dry skin, and helps return to fresh and smooth skin.



Using a fork, mash the avocado until it turns into a lump-free paste, then add 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon yogurt and mix well. Use clean fingers and apply a thick layer of the mixture on your face and sit for 15 minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water and pat dry with a dry towel.

Tips :

• Use an avocado that is ripe so that it is easier to mash and is free of pieces.

• Use unsweetened milk when using this face mask.

• To avoid a mess, be sure to put the mask in the bathroom

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