Vitamins deficiency negatively affects the brain

Dr. Natalia Andrianova, Internal Medicine Specialist and Liposomal Vitamins Consultant, announced that the deficiency of some vitamins negatively affects brain functioning.


In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, the specialist notes that vitamins of the В group, for example, are essential for supporting brain function. It contributes to energy metabolism, and without it nerve cells are exhausted and can die later. Its deficiency also contributes to the development of neurological diseases, poor memory and deterioration of intellectual abilities.

And she adds, as for the low level of vitamin B9 (folic acid) in the blood, it causes brain function disorder and increases the risk of dementia. Supplementing with this vitamin can improve brain functioning in people with psychological and mental disorders. It also helps slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

And the specialist says, “Excessive alcohol consumption can cause a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1), which leads to cognitive disorders such as memory impairment. Also, a magnesium deficiency can cause anxiety, nervousness, fatigue, decreased attention and memory, and headaches. of the body in a state of stress. Therefore, it is necessary for the body, especially in the period of anxiety.”

And she adds, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) reduces the effects of physical and intellectual burden, improves blood circulation in the brain, improves oxygen supply to tissues, and strengthens capillary vascular membranes and neurons. This vitamin stimulates the absorption of B group vitamins. Anxiety and stress cause a decrease in the concentration of this vitamin in the body.

She says, “Iron helps support many important body functions, which affects vitality, concentration, digestive system function, the immune system, and body temperature regulation. Iron can also negatively affect the digestive system, so it is better to eat it in the form of fat.”

She points out that for the normal functioning of the brain, it is necessary to have coenzyme Q10, which provides the brain with energy. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is an antioxidant that strengthens short-term memory and helps to get rid of mood swings, and to absorb and remember new information. Its task is to protect nerve tissue from the effects of free radicals, which are toxic to cells.

And she adds, “Lecithin (phospholipids) is very important for children’s brain development, its normal functions and memory improvement. It affects cell membranes, which helps to improve the effect of vitamins in the required form necessary in the body.”

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