
Vitamins and minerals  

Vitamins and minerals  

Vitamins and minerals




The number of vitamins needed for the body is 12 different vitamins, but the body needs small amounts of them, and they include the following: Vitamin A, which is found in foods such as liver, egg yolks, spinach, molokhia, and carrots. It is necessary for vision and the health of the skin and eyes, while its deficiency causes dryness and roughness. Skin, poor vision in dim light.


Vitamin B group (B1 – B2 – B3 – B6 – folic acid – B12). This group is found in whole grains, yeast, milk, eggs, liver, vegetables, meat, and green leaves. It helps in the formation of red blood cells and is necessary for nerve functions. While its deficiency leads to the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the tongue and gums, the appearance of skin infections, and anemia.


Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and strawberries. It helps absorb iron, heal wounds, and prevent swelling and bleeding of the gums. Therefore, its deficiency causes swelling and bleeding of the gums.


Vitamin D is found in foods such as liver, butter, egg yolk, cod liver oil, sunflower oil, and sunlight. It helps strengthen bones and teeth, while its deficiency causes children to suffer from rickets and adults to suffer from osteoporosis and tooth decay.


Vitamin E is found in foods such as fish, legumes, vegetable oils, wheat, and vegetables. Vitamin E is considered an antioxidant and reduces the effect of some toxic substances on the body. It helps fight aging and cancer, and its deficiency causes sagging skin and hair loss. And a lack of body immunity.


As for the mineral elements that the body needs, they include calcium and phosphorus, which are found in milk and dairy products, and legumes such as beans, which help in calcification and building bones and teeth, while their deficiency causes weak and osteoporotic bones. Also among the mineral elements is iodine, which is found in fish and salt to which iodine is added, and iodine is considered a growth regulator. And the development of the body, and its deficiency causes enlargement of the thyroid gland. There is iron, which is found in red meat, liver, and leafy vegetables, and helps in the synthesis of hemoglobin in the blood, and its deficiency causes anemia. There is also potassium, which is found in milk, bananas, cheese, meat, and bread. Brown, potatoes, carrots, beans, and tomatoes. It helps in the functioning of nerve cells and building muscles. It also helps in the natural growth of the body and building bones. Its deficiency leads to weakness and paralysis of the muscles, heart disorders, mental confusion, paralysis of the small intestine, as well as mineral elements. Calcium, which is found in dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, bread, and lentils, helps build bones, while its deficiency causes tetanus, a disease characterized by cramps in the muscles of the hand and the front part of the arm, and bone thinning, and finally sodium, which is found in foods such as salt, foods with added salt. Salt, olives, sardines, bread made from corn, which helps maintain the water balance in the cells, helps with nerve function, and its deficiency causes low blood pressure.

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