Twitter allows you to receive gifts in Ethereum

Twitter has recently introduced a set of new options for its creative users to get additional cash gifts by typing their Ethereum address.

Those who have a good stock of this cryptocurrency can provide more financial support to the creators of Twitter, while the company has also added support for three other payment services including Barter, Baga, and PayTM, and these methods are useful in India, Nigeria and other countries where payments are booming mobile.

All users can now send money gifts by clicking on the hints icon in someone’s profile on the app.

If you as a user want to receive more tips and are at least 18 years old, you can choose to edit your profile and enable tips.

According to a report by theverge technical website, Twitter’s move to support this currency is useful if the user does not want to deal in bitcoin, as is the case with former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

Twitter’s move not only allows more people to give financial gifts, but also makes it more practical for digital creators to work in certain countries, according to the website “In Gadget”.

The Twitter app had earlier announced the extension of its work options with its safety mode, which provides users with protection from unwanted interactions that spread on the popular social micro-blogging site.

In the same report, the site announced that Twitter introduced the safety mode feature for the first time last September, as part of the beta version of the application, through which it allows its users the ability to block abusive tweets

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