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Tips for improving mental health during the winter season

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that can last on average about four to five months, and occurs with the onset of the fall and winter seasons, when exposure to sunlight decreases, which contributes to the intense feelings of sadness that arise during this time of the year, and is usually at its worst. His cases were from late October to late February, according to CNBC.




Some common symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are feeling depressed most of the day for two or more weeks, lack of pleasure in doing things you used to enjoy, changes in energy, motivation, or sleep, or loss of appetite.



8 tips for maintaining mental health during the winter depression – Maintain an organized sleep routine by waking up and going to bed at the same time every day, try to remain consistent even on weekends.


Make sure you get healthy nutrients throughout the day and don’t eat heavy meals right before bed.


Put on your coat and go outside as often as possible.


Exercise Research indicates that 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise four to five times a week can influence and improve mood.


Do not drink coffee before bedtime.


Avoid blue light from your phone right before bed.


Reach out to a trusted friend or loved one to talk about how you’re feeling.


Seek help from a psychiatrist if things get worse

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