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The movement against cancer Fight cancer with sports - Care Beauty

The movement against cancer Fight cancer with sports

The movement against cancer Fight cancer with sports




It is no secret to anyone the importance of physical or sports activity in maintaining health, and researchers have concluded that the risk of cancer, especially colon and breast cancer, can be reduced by continuing physical activity for half an hour a day, and on the contrary, weight gain and obesity strengthen the possibility of infection. With these two types of cancer, it can be said that accompanying shoes and sportswear has become essential for the prevention of these deadly diseases.




In this regard, Dr. Christine Friedenreich collected the data of 180 studies, all of which confirm that physical activity reduces the risk of colon and breast cancer in senior athletes. The results of this study also suggest the prevention of prostate cancer, and make the prevention of lung cancer possible. On the other hand, excess weight is linked to the risk of infection. Colon, kidney, esophageal and breast cancer in postmenopausal women.




But these studies, which Dr. Christine Friedenreich relied on, were based only on the information and memories of the respondents, as they were asked questions such as: Do you exercise regularly? How often do you do a sporting activity? However, there is another study carried out by EPIC, which is a European body concerned with nutrition and cancer, during which it examined several elements, including the relationship between cancer and exercise. This study included a comparison between patients who had cancer and healthy people. This study is more credible than its predecessors, but it needs a large number of experimental samples and a long time. It concluded that obesity and overweight may lead to cancer, while regular exercise or physical activity They decrease the probability of being infected with it, and the percentages were as follows:



For colon cancer, the risk decreased by 20% in active people.



For breast cancer, physical activity reduces the risk of it by 30%, while obesity after menopause increases the risk of this cancer by the same percentage.


And Dr. Michel Boiron says, “Physical activity, whether it is in professional life, a hobby, or even at home, reduces the risk of two types of cancer, namely colon cancer and breast cancer.” The warning of excessive weight does not mean that skinny people will not benefit from sports, as specialists recommend activity. Physical exercise for 30 minutes a day with medium or high intensity, such as brisk walking, cycling, climbing stairs, sports movements, and light jogging. It is recommended that this be done five times a week.




However, despite all these results, the role of sport in preventing cancer must be proven, because the scholars did not indicate how sport was able to achieve these results, nor did they explain how it fights this disease. An EPIC study in 2003 confirmed the importance of a balanced diet in reducing the possibility of cancer of the digestive system by 30%, especially colon, esophageal and stomach cancer. These diets should be available on fresh vegetables and fruits, a little meat and sugars, and a little fat, especially animal and eggs.




Paying attention to the diet and regular movement is necessary to prevent cancer and other diseases. Several hypotheses are currently being put forward regarding the role of nutrition and physical activity in preventing cancer, including: hormonal changes, the development of growth factors, and the effect on immune functions. A study is currently being conducted to find out what If physical activity contributes to improvement in people undergoing anti-cancer treatment.




It seems to me that sports and physical activity reduce the possibility of cancer, because they can improve the body’s utilization of oxygen by increasing the efficiency of blood circulation, which leads to ridding the body of pollution and resisting free derivatives that cause cancer, and our ancestors did not suffer from cancer with such severity and diseases Others, such as diabetes, obesity, and the heart, because they used to depend on physical activity and eat natural foods and did not suffer from industrial pollution. As for today’s person, he depends on his eating on quantity and on unnatural foods, and he also suffers from lack of movement and from the spread of pollution, and the result is a large number of incurable diseases. We ask God for safety and wellness