The magic solution to eliminate acne

Many girls suffer from the appearance of red spots in different parts of their bodies, including the face, which requires them to search for a suitable treatment to get rid of them. There are several causes of red skin spots, including skin diseases, harsh climatic conditions, skin infections, hormonal changes, and even genetic factors. And you can get rid of these stains through the distinctive and easy-to-prepare oatmeal mask. Especially since it is known for its ability to nourish and moisturize the skin, in addition to fighting infections thanks to its richness in antioxidants.

Prepare the mask:

> Two tablespoons of oatmeal powder are mixed with two or three tablespoons of warm water, and half a spoonful of honey, then put the mixture on the red spots and leave it for 5 minutes, then gently massage the skin for several minutes, and leave it again for an additional 5 minutes before washing it with lukewarm water. It is recommended to repeat the treatment at least 3 times a week.