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The best oil for treating acne and dark spots - Care Beauty

The best oil for treating acne and dark spots

Fish oil is one of the most oils rich in amino acids and fatty acids such as omega-3, which makes it among the list of skin care, and the benefits of fish oil for the skin are numerous, and this is what we will present to you through the following lines in this article.


Benefits of fish oil for the skin:


. Fish oil protects the skin from acne 

. It works to unify skin tone and add vitality and freshness to it as it works to renew skin cells.

. Maintains skin moisture and protects it from drying out and cracking.

. Delays the appearance of facial wrinkles and treats the problem of dark circles under the eyes.

. Protects the skin from the risk of skin cancer and others.

. It eliminates pimples , blackheads  and more.

. Treats skin infections, which can be caused by excessive exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays.


Fish oil recipes for skin:

Fish oil and lemon


This recipe helps the face to remove dark spots from it and remove dark circles and others.

How to prepare

1. Mix half a teaspoon of fish oil with 3 drops of lemon juice and mix them well.

2. Dip a piece of cotton in this mixture and apply it to the skin daily.

3. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

4. We repeat the use of this recipe twice a day until the best results are obtained.  


Fish oil and coconut oil


This recipe works to moisturize and protect the skin from dehydration.

How to prepare

1. Mix one teaspoon of fish oil with half a teaspoon of coconut oil and mix them well.

2. Apply the mixture to the skin with a piece of cotton and then leave it for 15 minutes.

3. Wash the skin with warm water and repeat this recipe twice a week.


fish oil

Fish oil capsules treat acne.

How to prepare

1. We take 2 capsules of fish oil capsules, then puncture them and empty their contents.

2. Apply the contents of the capsule to the areas affected by acne.

3. Leave the recipe on the area for 20 minutes.

4. After that, wash the skin with cold water.

5. We repeat the use of this recipe twice a week until we get the best results.