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June 16, 2023 admin

Eating fish regularly able to combat Alzheimer’s  

Eating fish regularly, especially fatty fish, is able to combat Alzheimer’s


An American study revealed that eating fish regularly reduces brain deterioration and Alzheimer’s disease. The British newspaper Daily Express, quoting a study prepared by the University of South Dakota, reported that eating fish once or twice a week resists cognitive decline.

The study showed that eating fish in moderation enhances brain function because it strengthens its blood flow. She added that fatty fish in particular such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are able to combat Alzheimer’s.



The scientists pointed out that this study confirms that food and diet play an effective role in improving the brain for a longer period of life. They stated that fatty fish is rich in omega-3, which breaks down stray proteins that try to destroy memory and thinking.

Scientists emphasized that this study is also important because it shows the link between low omega-3 levels and lack of blood flow in areas of the brain that are essential for learning, memory, depression and aging. By conducting a survey on 166 volunteers in this study, the link between omega-3 levels and indicators of good mental skills was revealed in 128 areas of the brain, and the best results appeared for those who consumed high amounts of omega-3 in learning and memory areas, which are the first areas affected by aging

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June 12, 2023 admin

Secrets that will impress you to ease the pain of removing excess hair

Excess hair removal is a problem that all women suffer from, because of the pain that accompanies it, but today we are in the Woman Magazine, we will show you secrets that you follow to significantly reduce the pain of hair removal.


First: Never do hair removal in the morning, as the level of pain is at its highest


Before determining the time of hair removal, take advantage of our notes:


1. Take an aspirin 45 minutes before your appointment





This is a great strategy for reducing pain, not only because it works as well as over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, but because it has anti-inflammatory properties.


2. Do not set a date for hair removal immediately after the menstrual cycle.


During your period your skin will be more sensitive, so try to schedule the appointment at least three days before your period. And do not think about it during the days of the cycle, because the pain will be at its highest level.


3. Avoid wearing tight clothes or exercising.


Nothing can cause pain like the appearance of pimples in places that have been exposed to hair removal. Therefore, extreme caution must be taken during the 48 hours after hair removal, because the skin will be in the most sensitive state, and any tight clothing can increase sweating and bacteria, and thus pimples and infections. Tight clothes such as tight pants can also cause hair to enter the skin and grow in reverse.


4. Beware of pollution


We do not say that you will go to use public bathrooms, but immediately after the hair removal process, it is preferable that you do not use any public bathrooms or seats. Because the chances of inflammation Ultra .


5. Set the time for hair removal between 3-5 pm


The level of pain is at its highest in the morning

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June 3, 2023 admin

A hot drink that breaks down cholesterol

The body must maintain a delicate balance of cholesterol – too much of the “bad” kind can clog arteries, causing a host of serious health problems.


Fortunately, there is a hot drink on hand to help you lower your high cholesterol levels: green tea.


Green tea originates from China, where the leaves are heat treated using the roasting method, and Japan, where the leaves are more commonly steamed.


It is exceptionally rich in flavonoids that can help boost your heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and reducing blood clotting.


It has been proven that flavonoids have a positive effect on cholesterol.



Multiple studies showed the effect of green tea on busting cholesterol.


A meta-analysis from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that green tea significantly reduces total cholesterol, including LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, in the blood.


However, green tea did not affect HDL, or “good” cholesterol — the kind that counteracts the harmful effects of LDL cholesterol.


Another analysis examined the effect of green tea consumption on blood pressure.


The researchers compared the results of 13 studies from multiple databases. Changes in cholesterol, blood glucose, and body mass index were also evaluated in the meta-analysis.


Another analysis suggested a greater decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure after consuming green tea.


The researchers attributed the decrease in cholesterol to the catechins found in green tea.


Can you overdo it on green tea?


When taken in moderation, green tea is said to be safe for healthy adults to drink.


And he warns that “drinking large amounts of green tea may cause side effects because it contains caffeine.”


Possible side effects of green tea include: headaches and insomnia problems.

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May 9, 2023 admin

the secret between lack of sleep and the ability to focus

American scientists confirmed that a mutation in one of the genes allows some people to regain their activity and get enough rest without the need for long hours of sleep.


Most people need at least six hours of continuous sleep to restore their activity and ability to focus, but US researchers discovered the existence of a “genetic variable” in some people that makes little sleep enough to restore their activity and carry out their daily duties.


According to the study conducted by researchers at the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia on 100 pairs of twins, and its results were published in the scientific journal “Sleep”, it was found that the twins who carry a copy of this variable gene “BHLHE41” averaged about 5 hours of sleep at night only, i.e. less About an hour ahead of their peers who do not carry this genetic variant.


The researchers confirmed that the twins who had this genetic variant “BHLHE41” missed 40% less in the concentration test, after depriving them of 38 hours of sleep, and they needed only 8 hours to recover full activity after completing the experiment, while their peers who did not carry this variant. Genie to 9.5 hours to recover.


Scientists found that the genetic variant does not give its owner a different quality of sleep, but rather helps regulate the internal biological clock, so that its number decreases to reach a quality of sleep that gives better memory and better recovery of physical and mental activity. According to Prof. Professor “Timothy Morgenthiral,” President of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the need for sleep is linked to a biological factor and is not subject to the personal desire of the individual.

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May 1, 2023 admin

6 drinks to fight vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient needed for strong bones and overall good health. It is primarily obtained from sunlight, but many people struggle to get enough vitamin D from sunlight alone.


According to onlymyhealth, a vitamin D deficiency can lead to a range of health problems, including weak bones, an increased risk of falls, and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer.


Drinks to combat vitamin D deficiency


While vitamin D supplements are a popular way to address a deficiency, there are also many drinks that can help increase your vitamin D levels. Here are some of the best drinks to fight a vitamin D deficiency:


1. Fortified milk


Milk is one of the best sources of vitamin D, but the amount of vitamin D in regular milk can vary depending on the time of year and the cow’s exposure to sunlight. For this reason, many brands fortify their milk with vitamin D to ensure consistent levels throughout the year. A cup can provide Just one serving of fortified milk provides up to a third of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D.


2. Fortified vegetable milk


If you’re lactose intolerant or follow a vegan diet, plant-fortified milks such as soy, almond, and oat milks can also provide a good source of vitamin D. Just be sure to choose a brand that’s fortified with vitamin D and check the label to make sure it has the right levels.


3. Orange juice


Many brands of orange juice are also fortified with vitamin D, making it an easy and convenient way to boost your intake. One cup of fortified orange juice can provide up to a quarter of the daily recommended amount of vitamin D.


4. Fortified cereals


Some cereals are fortified with vitamin D, making them a good breakfast option for those looking to boost their intake. Just be sure to choose a brand fortified with Vitamin D and check the label to make sure it has the right levels.


5. Herbal tea


Certain herbal teas, such as chamomile, can also provide a good source of vitamin D. Chamomile tea is often enjoyed before bed for its calming properties, but it can also help boost vitamin D levels.


6. Smoothies


Smoothies are a great way to combine several vitamin D-rich ingredients into one delicious drink. Try blending fortified or plant-based milk with yogurt, berries, and spinach for a nutrient-packed smoothie that can help boost your vitamin D levels.


In addition to incorporating these drinks into your diet, it is important to spend time outdoors to get natural exposure to sunlight, which is the best way to increase your vitamin D levels. If you are concerned about your vitamin D levels, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider. to determine the best course of action for you

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